Cultural Imperialism intersect with right wing anti div

Cultural Imperialism and Globalization along with centuries of regular Imperialism along with Colonialism etc are the reason it is hard for right wingers to embrace diversity and to be egalitarian and easy for right wingers to be anti woke and racist.

Cultural "imperialism" is when the US or the West in general engages culture (language, tradition, and ritual, politics, economics) to create and maintain unequal social and economic relationships among social groups (i.e US and the Middle East countries, US and Southeast Asian countries, UK and India historically etc). Cultural imperialism often uses wealth, media power and violence to implement the system of cultural hegemony that legitimizes imperialism by the US/West on Third World/Global South, and especially non white countries/ non slavic white European countries

The US and to a lesser degree the West as a whole employs structural imperialism and cultural dependency and domination (over third world/global south/non white countries) "As an example, western countries produce the majority of media, such as films, music and comics. They have the money to produce them, while Third World countries buy these products because they are cheaper than producing them themselves. Therefore, Third World countries watch and consume media containing Western ways of life, beliefs and thoughts, becoming assimilated and thus erasing their own culture, whether voluntary or not."

The US and West's cultural imperialism and Globalization more broadly has continued the centuries long trend of the US and West dehumanizing countries and cultures that they wrongly deem inferior in order to in their messed up minds 'civilize' those countries and cultures by eventually replacing their cultures with US/Western culture via Cultural Imperialism and Globalization . This is process is basically Western Chauvinism and US Chauvinist Manifest destiny (Cultural Imperialism and Globalization are modern day Manifest Destinys) 

But old school colonialism still exists today, NATO colonializes member states for hegemony and one reason I was against the US's war in Iraq was because I saw the US using that war to import US/western 'values' onto the Iraqi people through brute force which laid way for the US to set up a cultural imperialism system to further imperialize Iraq via multinational corporatism to culturally replace Iraq's culture with US/West's culture. It is exactly what the US/West did to the USSR and Eastern Bloc

The reason the USSR was dissolved and failed was because the US and West used the Cold War to force it to fail. This is like Rush Limbaugh saying he wanted Barack Obama to fail and then through his radio show forcing it to fail by undermining Obama's Presidency (which he did), then Limbaugh saying how Barack Obama was a terrible President 

I mean... yes, if you truly believe the entire soviet experience was "bad", you've probably fallen prey to some type of propaganda. It's one thing to say "Stalin was a bad man", a whole 'nother to say "the USSR was a bad country".

"cultural synchronization", "electronic colonialism", "ideological imperialism", and "economic imperialism" have all been used to describe the same basic notion of cultural imperialism.[20]

So what happens is that the right wing extremists, neo nazis, anti woke xenophobes etc see this behavior by the US and West toward non white/ Third World/Global South countries and think that the cultures of the non white/ Third World/Global South countries are inferior to the US/Western culture due to the US/West culturally imperializing via globalization those said countries. This behavior by the US/West then gives the right wing extremists ,neo nazi xenophobe, anti wokesters reason to wrongly think that the US/West is superior to non white countries and then you get stuff from that line of thought like Western Chauvinism from Gavin McGinnis and the Proud Boys since that is a natural end point to the cultural imperialism by the US/West toward Eastern/Global South countries and cultures

Remember , the Proud Boys slogan 'West is the Best', it seems that slogan is the unofficial moniker of the US/West its cultural imperialism is . The US's (and West as a whole)'s cultural dominance makes Western Chauvinism palatable for these right wing 'extremist' sorts

This why BRICs is a good counter balance to this along with The Fourth Political Theory and its Multipolarity and why I am supportive of such checks and balances against Cultural Imperialism, see here for more

NATO is bad because they are Neoliberal, they exist primarily to uphold class society (I want us to abolish classes), and they use imperialism (especially western imperialism) to try to force NATO values onto other countries which is wrong. NATO is also horrible for it justifing war for its own self interests in the name of ‘human rights’.

NATO is headed by the US who invade and topple countries for their own economic gain which is wrong

NATO is further wrong for colonizing its member states by tying them into US military .More insight on the negatives of NATO can be found here

additional sources

Proud Boys Ideology - Polcompball Anarchy Wiki

Polcompball-Anarchy › wiki › Pro...

Jul 22, 2023 — Western Chauvinism. Ideological Information. Foundation. Gavin McInnes (1970-). Canada. Enrique Tarrio (1984/1985-). USA. Character Information ...

‎Relationships · ‎Friends · ‎Frenemies · ‎Enemies

Western Preservationism - Polcompball Anarchy Wiki - Miraheze

Polcompball-Anarchy › wiki › Wes...

Oct 23, 2023 — Aliases. Feel free to add an alias below. Hawkish Conservative Liberalism. Eco-Neo-Libertarianism. Western Chauvinism. Eco-Victorianism. Neo ...


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