Gendie ablshm

 I support gender abolitonism (and Gender nihilist gender abolishment) along with Xenofeminism and its gender abolitionism

"Being called she/her and doing feminine things give me gender euphoria and I don’t wanna give it all up just for some gender less society where I can’t have that."

Gender abolition has nothing to do with this. It's actually... quite the opposite. The idea is to get rid of the way society genders us from birth and forces us to conform to arbitrary gender roles. This is actually amazing for trans people because we wouldn't feel forced to conform to our agab (since there's no such thing in this utopic world), and we would be free to explore our actual gender identity and gender expression.

Gender abolitionists don't want a "genderless" world, they just want to get rid of gender roles."

from here "The current movement within trans politics has sought to try to broaden gender categories, in the hope that we can alleviate their harm. This is naive. Judith Butler refers to gender as, “the apparatus by which the production and normalization of masculine and feminine take place along with the interstitial forms of hormonal, chromosomal, psychic, and performative that gender assumes.” 

If the current liberal politics of our trans comrades and siblings are rooted in trying to expand the social dimensions created by this apparatus, our work is a demand to see it burned to the ground.

"At the heart of our gender abolition is a negativity. We seek not to abolish gender so that a true self can be returned to; there is no such self. It is not as though the abolition of gender will free us to exist as true or genuine selves, freed from certain norms. Such a conclusion would be at odds with the entirety of our antihumanist claims. And thus we must take a leap into the void.

A moment of lucid clarity is required here. If what we are is a product of discourses of power, and we seek to abolish and destroy those discourses, we are taking the greatest risk possible. We are diving into an unknown. The very terms, symbols, ideas, and realities by which we have been shaped and created will burn in flames, and we cannot know or predict what we will be when we come out the other side.

This is why we must embrace an attitude of radical negativity. All the previous attempts at positive and expansionist gender politics have failed us. We must cease to presume a knowledge of what liberation or emancipation might look like, for those ideas are themselves grounded upon an idea of the self which cannot stand up to scrutiny; it is an idea which for the longest time has been used to limit our horizons. Only pure rejection, the move away from any sort of knowable or intelligible future can allow us the possibility for a future at all.

While this risk is a powerful one, it is necessary. Yet in plunging into the unknown, we enter the waters of unintelligibility. These waters are not without their dangers; and there is a real possibility for a radical loss self. The very terms by which we recognize each other may be dissolved. But there is no other way out of this dilemma. We are daily being attacked by a process of normalization that codes us as deviant. If we do not lose ourselves in the movement of negativity, we will be destroyed by the status quo. We have only one option, risks be damned.

This powerfully captures the predicament that we are in at this moment. While the risk of embracing negativity is high, we know the alternative will destroy us. If we lose ourselves in the process, we have merely suffered the same fate we would have otherwise. Thus it is with reckless abandon that we refuse to postulate about what a future might hold, and what we might be within that future. A rejection of meaning, a rejection of known possibility, a rejection of being itself. Nihilism. That is our stance and method.

Relentless critique of positive gender politics is thus a starting point, but one which must occur cautiously. For if we are to criticize their own normative underpinnings in favor of an alternative, we only fall prey once again to the neutralizing power of normalization. Thus we answer the demand for a clearly stated alternative and for a program of actions to be taken with a resolute “no.” The days of manifestos and platforms are over. The negation of all things, ourselves included, is the only means through which we will ever be able to gain anything"  

Basically through at least some of the above methods, there would be some approximation of a world with...

"no expectations that humans must take on certain traits, mannerisms or roles based on their reproductive anatomy;

no such thing as “curing” people who perform their gender role incorrectly because there are no gender roles to perform;

The full range of human personality can be expressed by persons of either sex;

Men and women are fully equal and no one may dominate another or reduce another to an object for sexual or reproductive use;

Children are not punished for playing with the wrong toys because there is no such thing as assigning certain toys to children based on their sex;

Clothing and appearance are divorced from sex role expectations; men and women can express themselves with any clothing and appearance they find comfortable.

We will make it understood that the feminist movement has always sought to emancipate women from limiting gender roles and in doing so, to abolish the system of gender. Abolishing gender does not mean abolishing human personality or self-expression; it means abolishing the social rules and freeing humans to express their personalities regardless of sex."

I take a true left wing position on the Transgender issue.  I do not promote the gendered nomenclature practice because I do not want to bolster the oppressive inegalitarian gender construct. I want to abolish gender to end such oppression and spread egalitarianism

Since some leftist, progressive and liberal trans rights activists promote the gendered nomenclature practice, which fulfills a conservative function in that it bolsters the oppressive, inegalitarian gender construct, such trans rights activists are indeed right-wing, regardless of whether they identify as such. Like all fauxgressives, they unwittingly advocate right-wing ideas under the false impression that they're actually progressive.

There's a misconception that gender nonconformity is some sort of statement or choice, when in fact it's essential to Gender Non conforming people's comfort and mental wellbeing. 

I feel that transgenderism is a construct that pushes extremely gender nonconforming people into a box that's simple to digest for the gender conforming world, while medicalizing them and letting them know that they were born in the wrong body. 

In an ideal gender abolitionist world, there would be no such thing as transgenderism, but that doesn't mean extremely feminine men and extremely masculine women would stop existing

On the contrary, feel that they would thrive in such a world where they're embraced as perfectly normal men and women regardless of how their appearance is

I see no reason as to why a man shouldn't look like Blaire White does or why a woman shouldn't look like Buck Angel (many women with hormonal imbalances or who are intersex do).


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