id new left grouping

Collective Individualist (including Left Wing Nationalism but the Left Wing in this Left Wing Nationalism is very much downplayed in place of Left Wing Conservative Right Social Democracy along with  Progressive Conservative Socialism

with the Nationalism part of Left Wing Nationalism  by Radical Democracy, in particular Bioregional Libertarian Municipalism Radical Republicanism

 Literally Post-Marxism

*Self id (non authoritarian) i.e supportive of Individual liberty and it unifying the social, individualist, and market schools of Kantian Anarchist thought

German Left Wing Conservatism

Rage Against War Libertarian Left Party coalition 

Factions of the grassroots left 

Pro Palestine SJWism

Young Progressive Left (moral dogma glitched)

Alternative Modernist Collectivist Liberalism

* i.e trans self id laws, and the hyper individuality of the woke idpol movement


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