4pt my sosddo epist

4pt is underdeveloped. In fact the 4pt book calls for the supporting a new fourth theory, rather than the 4pt being the full thing itself . This fourth theory is an alternative to Communism, Liberalism 2.0 and the whole right wing. Thus I am a hypothetical abstract blank slate Fourth Political theorist and not Alexander Dugin Fourth Political theorist  itself. But I think it can count as an ideology, or at least a basis.

The 4pt as it is now has a laser focus for its development in Russia. Alexander Dugin also states that other peoples can have different methods in their own version of the 4pt that is right for them. So besides the hypothetical abstract blank slate 4pt I support above, I also have my model of 4pt which I support as well which can be seen throughout these blogs . 

For example, my 4pt model includes anarchic communization applications  

At the very least Left Minarchism (which I partly support) can mesh with my model of the 4pt. The 4pt itself says that economics can vary by Dasein (in that which is best for people), and no one system is correct for all, despite the different effects. Though it promotes certain things such as sovereignty, and nationalizing industry important to state security along with syncretic economics which I all include in my 4pt model that I support. Private property within my 4pt model can or cannot exist depending on the context . 

The 4th theory isn’t bound by one person (not even Alexander Dugin), nor one society. Asia peoples, for example, would more likely than not be more statist and collectivist in their economy and society. While Europe would be more free market. It doesn’t have to be this way under a 4pt system. The 4pt merely says there is no universally correct answer. Each has its advantages, and certain peoples and more acclimated to certain systems.

Now for Alexander Dugin's 4pt  I may not be a supporter of Alexander Dugin's 4pt line of thought (see here for why). If I wasn't a Christian I would wish bad things on him and I at times my inner Anti fascist in me wants to do to Alexander Dugin what my friend PJ did to my other friend Anthony in 1994ish in the parking lot

Yet in a strategic way I do draw on the broken clock healthy ideas from that 4pt and then I sanitize those broken clock healthy 4pt ideas with leftism to unite the two and then embrace those sanitized ideas in a pragmatic and tangible way (like here for example) in ways which I align with politically, culturally and at times overriding my other ideas

The 4pt is heavily critical of others instead of establishing itself more. Though I think it does have an explanation for its philosophy, it accepts that peoples have differing views and ideals for their economic, political, and cultural systems, and so it doesn’t attempt to make a singular overarching goal, other than defeating totalitarians, globalism, universalism, and in general those who kill the diversity of Dasein (peoples, nations, cultures, etc).   

Like the 4pt I am fact based,  I recognize constructivism, I am really and very syncretic in a way especially as a constructivst.I am not amoral.

Or one of Alexander Dugin's examples. Time and history is a social construct. Time could be viewed as circular, progressively etc. False history can be made yet if every person believes it and it is used as a foundation, does it become practically true?  So CMRU reflects some of my theories on this (a philosophy book/paper situation concerned with metaphysics.)

My model of 4pt is based on the Forward Party idea that does not just give us a laundry list of intractable problems, but shows how we can find solutions if we think in new ways and summon the courage to do so

My Fourth Political theory is very feminist (Pink Fourth Theory) but never delving into Feminazi territory

My Fourth Political Theory supports

From a Conservative Socialist perspective I believe that the 4pt is goodish framework overall. Leftist economics in synthesis with right wing adjacent cultural views, while still formally rejecting ultranationalism and racism, is great. A great alternative to the Western neoliberal world order.

Moreover, my Fourth Theory is what a true Left of AOC form of Sameera Khan Fourth Political Theory would look like

My Fourth Theory includes 19th political Theoryism

Me countering this theory I once supported like how in the Lost World Jurassic Park II, John Hammond went from capitalist to naturalist in just 4 years and went from putting Dinosaurs in captivity for entertainment to his post-Jurassic Park naturalism and desire to protect Isla Sorna from exploitation in a noble and admirable way


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