Abortion sum up views

My mom had toxemia when she was pregnant with me and I still have negative memories about that. 

I also support bodily autonomy .Women who are pregnant should not have the government control their bodies or tell them what to do with their bodies. Their body, their choice. I resist attempts to limit women's reproductive autonomy. I reveal what I think of the abortion argument of 'men controlling womens bodies', in this post

I want to abolish the government/state, hierarchies, patriarchy, classes in which case there will be no government/state to ban or restrict abortions

I stand up for the rights of women to control their own bodies as individuals and to control their women-only spaces as a class. 

I support increased government funding (maybe through Supply side economics) for family planning (insurance coverage of and public funding for family planning services to increase and be more available to families) .

I believe that abortion is only wrong if the fetus is conscious. 

I support one's right to follow their conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health

I respect other people who hold their own views on abortion. One of my main positions is to advocate for Ranked choice voting and many people who have different views on abortion than me unite with me for this particular goal.  

I call for the creation of thousands of adoption centers and hundreds of abortion crisis centers/pro life centers being opened throughout the US and I don’t care if they do influence pregnant mothers to keep their babies. I am against H.R 8210 because I am a Libertarian

I have my own beliefs as they pertain to my Christian faith. I believe separation of church and state is crucial to our nation flourishing. I vote Democrat at the local level and support various factions of Democrats. I am troubled by what the Republican Party has become and choose not to be associated with it.

I would like to think my abortion views are expressed in this reddit thread and in this forum post on Gamefaqs

I am against late term abortion regardless of how rare it is

The solid majority of women who have abortions end up having the same amount of kids or more amount of kids a year to years after their abortion than if they would have had if they didn’t have their abortion in the first place,

If that is not true, I would still have my abortion views, but I would then probably call for policies that are aimed at increasing the birth rate (maybe even policies like the government giving tax breaks to families who have kids, and the more kids families they have, the more tax breaks they get)  

This would lead to more children being born so they can build the productive forces, under the assumption that more working forces will naturally lead to the type of left wing economic future that I want

I am against population control. Population Control is an assault on reproductive rights and its a human rights violation (right to procreate, right to life) . 

Human life is sacred and our bodies are utilitarian. Population control is a threat to both things

Overpopulation (the other excuse for it) is a myth. Climate change is real but population control doesn't stop it and is extremely counterproductive and a destructive. 

The government has no right to have any say in a womans sex life. How many kids a woman has or whether she has kids is her decision to make not the Governments decision. China was and is wrong for using population control. See this for more

I want the artificial womb created ASAP so women who want an abortion can instead have their unborn fetus transferred to an Artificial womb when that becomes viable in the future. That way, the unborn baby can still be born, but from a different (artificial) womb. 

This way the woman who doesn't want her child can transfer that unborn fetus to an artificial womb so the child still gets to be born (even if the child was conceived via rape or incest). If that happened, I would be personally and legality wise anti abortion for all 3 trimesters and terms.   This would basically be Departurism

I support the abortion laws in France (up to 14 weeks), Germany , #Canada 

I am against Colorado's standards of being able to abort all the way up to birth for whatever reason. That should be changed to ban abortion after 20 something weeks for most cases. . 

Over 80 percent of Americans , Europeans and Australians are against Colorado's standards of being able to abort all the way up to birth for whatever reason since the vast majority of Americans do not support infantcide 

Furthermore it is wrong that Colorado used the word 'equity' in their abortion bill. Putting equity in that bill title is divisive , wrong and woke. It is improper to add that word to the abortion bill. Shame on Colorado for that.. Colorado is an extremist paradise

Some food for thought on strategy post Roe being overturned on the abortion issue can be found in this linked reddit thread and article in it.  This article here may be a good start for such a strategy

I support the Hyde Amendment because I am a Libertarian . But I also support implementing Medicare for All to make abortion access easier"  .I am against the government federally funding abortions as mentioned here because I am a Libertarian (women rightfully want the government to stay out of their lives but then why do they beg them to fund their abortions? hypocrite much?)

To go along with no government funding of abortions, the alternative to it above this blurb, there should be more abortion clinics opened in areas across the country where there aren't a lot of or even any abortion clinics so women who cannot get abortions can get their abortions 

But at the same time, if that is to be the case, in those areas that don't have abortion clinics or don't have enough abortion clinics only, I would want those poor areas that get these needed abortion clinics (or additional abortion clinics) to get transformed into a It takes a village type area that is similar to this idea and Hillary Clinton's It takes a village type ideas .

Where people in those areas, basically collectively raise the children in those areas or use babysitting sharing co-ops to help raise them

These programs would help all children in those areas live a happy, healthy, normal childhood.

I share Ana Kasparian's views of Roe v Wade being overturned and the role of faith in government as mentioned here. Democrats are also complicit in Roe v Wade being overturned as mentioned here

I agree with Norman Finklestein's unique takes on abortion here

This virtue signaling lying statement by NARAL is bullsh*t. I want to rip up that ‘roadmap to equity’ and shove it down NARAL’s masks throats

NARAL was lame, wrong and stupid to ditch Krysten Sinema over her filibuster. NARAL were traitors for doing that to a feminist and reproductive rights advocate like Sinema

White supremacy and racism have NEVER stood in the way of achieving reproductive freedom and ensuring access to abortion care for every body.  NARAL has NOT contributed to and have NOT benefitted from this ‘injustice’. YES YOU REALLY CAN advance reproductive freedom without actively working to dismantle ‘white supremacy.’ you wokesters.

The majority of babies aborted are BIPOC, so how is it ‘white supremacy’ to stop BIPOC from being aborted? Last time I checked, stopping BIPOC from being aborted would be the opposite of ‘white supremacy’. White supremacy has nothing to do with abortion 

NARAL should be called out and ashamed for WRONGLY making abortion a race-ethnicity issue which it most certainly is not. If abortion is a race-ethnicity issue, it is because abortion hurts BIPOC people since the majority of aborted babies are BIPOC. Here are some criticisms of NARAL

I love Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List . Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List are light years better for women’s health than Liberal 2.0 NARAL. That NARAL b.s in that link is hateful, divisive , strawmanning .NARAL doesnt want to help women or get more people to be pro choice, they want to attack, trash and defame anyone who doesn’t give in to their demands. NARAL is toxic

If NARAL is trying to counter and stop the SJW type messaging by pro lifers, NARAL's whole 'roadmap to equity' campaign is literally the worst way to counter and stop it

NARAL needs to get back to doing direct action projects to further their pro choice cause

I accept Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin using the filibuster on the Women's Health Protection Act and I second Sinema’s statement on it . Wendy Davis used the filibuster in 2013 to strike down an abortion restrictive bill in Texas. Also here is my other rationale (quote by Sinema):

“Protections in the Senate safeguarding against the erosion of women's access to health care have been used half-a-dozen times in the past ten years, and are more important now than ever," Sinema's statement explained in her defense of the legislative filibuster. Without it, a future slim Republican majority could advance pretty much anything they want, including federal restrictions on abortion”

Lets hope for my sake we have a Roe v Wade 2.0 in the future to federally legalize abortion again . Focus on that instead of complaining about Roe v Wade being overturned. Let’s get someone to bring Roe v Wade 2 to the supreme court instead of trying to undo Dobbs. Maybe with this outline

I can put on a ‘I support face’ for public subsidies for abortion for the first two terms and the first trimester. I am against public subsidies for abortion in the third trimester and late term

I am don’t ask me my view on whether or not I support public subsidies for abortion in the second trimester and I won’t tell you my view on whether or not I support public subsidies for abortion in the second trimester public subsidies for abortion

I support parental notification laws for minors . 

As for parental consent, I believe at the very least, minors should have to have some adult in their life consent to their abortion. Since I am a youth rights activist I am bound by that to be against parental consent laws

If minors can’t vote, fight in the military, get legally married, have a full time job, consent to sex, why should we allow them to make an abortion decision?  

However, I also believe that if children don’t like how their parents are treating them that children should have an unconditional right to end their parents’ guardianship at any age where they are physically capable of running away. 

I feel that this right should also include the right for the child to strike out on their own with them being allowed to get an abortion without getting their parents or adult permission for abortion after striking out on their own (but not before)

Neither parents nor the State should have any right to force runaway children to return to the guardianship of any adult against the child’s will

Restrictive abortion laws are due to patriarchy/male patriarchy not a white patriarchy/white male patriarchy. When we abolish patriarchy/male patriarchy it will abolish abortion restrictions too

My contention with pro lifers is not with all of the brave, selfless mothers who sacrifice their brain mass, skin elasticity, bladder capacity and goodness knows what else for their children, that is for sure

I wouldn't have a problem with pro lifer's positions if they were only sanctimoniously judging pro choicers from afar, not every person has to share my pro choiceish sensibilities, the problem is that pro lifers want to make abortion illegal for everyone else also

I am absolutely against Isabel Vaughan-Spruce being arrested and charged for praying outside of an abortion clinic in fascist UK. as seen here ,here , here here (and I echo those articles takes on it)

Oswald Mosely (he is reincarnated now or in the 'afterlife') would be proud of such fascism like the Birmingham UK pigs did in wrongly arresting this poor women for literally no reason

She was doing nothing wrong ,all she was doing was silently praying to herself by peacefully praying for life. . She has every right to pray in public. There should not be anti free speech buffer zones in the UK. 

I agree with Nick Freitas that them arresting this praying woman is just like something you would see in George Orwell’s dystopia, to quote him, “1984 was a warning, not a guide.”

I agree with RedState deputy managing editor Brandon Morse who said “If abortion 'advocates' don’t believe in God and think prayer is actually silly then what are they so afraid of?”

I echo this Tweet by Conservative pundit Lauren Chen tweeted, “People are literally being arrested for thought crimes in the UK. Free speech is NOT a western value, it’s a uniquely American one.”  It would have been bad enough if she was arrested for silently praying but these pig cops arrested this poor woman for a freaking thought crime? This is literally Orwellian and I won't let them get away with arresting her

Them arresting her for silently praying is an attack on freedom of religion and freedom of speech. They are taking away the Brits rights by doing this. How the fuck do these losers have the right to arrest someone for praying?  This is an attack on religious freedom 

In the UK they bend over backwards rightfully to protect religious freedom for Jews and Muslims but they hate Christians. 

I do not endorse or have much tolerance for pro life activists protesting outside of abortion clinics. But if pro lifers protest the way Isabel Vaughn Spruce did (silently praying like she was) then I fully endorse that method of 'protest' . Freedom means freedom.

This is an assault on all religions and I will force the Birmingham police to drop all the charges against Spruce, apologize to her, compensate her and to abolish their fascist, authoritarian, evil anti free speech buffers which go against the core principles of democracy and freedom including freedom of speech, freedom of expression, right to assemble.

Arresting people for silently and peacefully praying outside of an abortion clinic is not only morally wrong, repugnant, evil, fascist, Orwellian   etc, but it is also punitive and petty. I thought the so called woke 'prison reform' freaks in the UK want to abolish prisons or to not charge people for petty crimes. It seems these soyboy/soygirl hypocrites only care about such reform if it helps get them brownie points with BIPOC people since they don't give a fuck about whites or christians 

I will not allow this orwellian thought crime ,anti free speech nonsense to happen in the US or Canada. I will risk my life to prevent such anti religious, anti free speech and anti human policies from spreading to the US or Canada. The only thing that would stop me would be death.. 

"LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO jane fonda is real as fuck for this like… she’s literally right, if ur offing ppl who need abortions… u deserve the same treatment "·

LB1122 has a point, if both more women die getting an abortion because it is illegal and if as much or more unborn babies die because it is illegal then you can look at 'aborting' pro life teens and adults who pushed roe to be overturned or who pushed abortion bans/restrictions as technically justifiable. But the way some of her followers  phrase it makes me want to beat the snot out of them:

Of course "I'm still trying to figure out who is trying to end the lives of women who need abortions" is a more natural response to LB1122

So final thoughts on this: No, we should not harm let alone 'abort' pro life people or want pro life people to die unless it is literally in self defense where said pro lifers are literally trying to kill a woman trying to get an abortion

Anyone who says pro lifers should be forced to die just for being pro life ,is absolutely wrong, evil, disgusting and sick and twisted. Such extremists that say such things are the ones who should be cleansed and aborted from society

I support teaching kids and teens and young people abstinence. I am glad that casual sex is out in some lit scenes and relationships are in

I won’t condemn fellow Leftists who say that we should dismantle the abortion industrial complex (but they also want abortion to stay legal as do I). This will luckily happen when we abolish patriarchies, the state, classes, hierarchies, police, military etc

Why is it the government's responsibility, especially with regards to the federal government, to decide what is moral? As long abortion doesn’t infringe on the life, liberty, or property of other people, the federal government should not have a say. But at the same time, I feel that abortion is a serious moral issue that is too often regarded as being trivial

One negative aspect of abortion is that most aborted babies are minorities (Margaret Sanger was a Eugenicist) . I like diversity and inclusion, and abortion creates an unneeded hurdle to our country being more diverse and inclusive

This provides good insight into surrogacy

We need to find cures for infertility 


# I like how in Canada has had no criminal laws governing the subject and abortion from 1989 onwards and that the decision is made by a woman with her doctor. It is good there are no legal delays (to get the abortion over with) . This is good because it keeps abortion from being politicized  and away from the courts and bureaucracy

I like how most abortions in Canada are done at a very early stage instead of later stages. So thus I accept that there are no legal restrictions on abortion in Canada.


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