Cultra ofc left ideaooies more

Cultural Left Unity centrist ideologies

Socioeconomically, Civilly LibLeft Culturally Right

Frederich Hayek-Milton Friedman/Shoe0nHeadalist Empath UBI macroeconomics (Social Capitalism)

Modern Classical Liberalism

r/Neoliberal Radical Centrism

Center Right Moderatism (Incrementalism-Gradualism,File:ConPro.pngModerate Progressivism/ Compassionate Conservatism 

 Cultural balance

Cultural renewal

When I want a cultural shakeup, I support a notorious agnostic strand of radical democracy which seeks to expand democracy in equality and liberty and thus radically expand and extend all civil liberties (Class Dealignment)

  •  Apolitical Titoism - I’m glad you were a part of the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War, but you’re still political!



Fourth Theory

Fourth Position

 Anti-Liberal Aktion

Democratic Post Conservative Centralism (Fourth Way) similar to 

Radical Centrism Third Way 

Peter Schuck's book is a provocative read in the best sense of the phrase―it provokes thinking. Schuck looks at contemporary issues in a way that should make people of all political beliefs want to look at those issues again.

Meditations of a Militant Moderate: Cool Views on Hot Topics › Meditations-Militant-Moderat...
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More Meditations of a Militant Moderate

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More Meditations of a Militant Moderate ... The book collects thirty-two opinion pieces, essays, and two poems published by the author in leading media on a wide ...

I have cultural Left Wing Autarchism tendencies along with social tolerance and left economic populism. with an intellectual persuasion. I also tack illiberal on a few sociocultural issues

 Fortuynism ( Netherlands) (National Liberalism)

Fifth Position (according to some political compasses)



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