Fusionary combined views ussr and us combined

I support Socialism of the 21st century and New Keynesian economics as some more alternatives to Neoliberalism (I am anti Neoliberal)

I am aligned with Left Libertartarians 

I am this type of Left Libertartarian:  Socialist Libertarian/Left Wing Social Libertarian Luxemburgianist (tendency of Libertarian Marxism)  via a Third Way/Third Road

I support autonomous, decentralized factions of  Khan-Cullorism (which is also Left Wing Populism)

So why do I support that socioeconomic,Hybrid ideology?

Communism is Capitalism (see here and here AND Xi Jingping SocDem symbiosis Mutualist with Peronist characteristics)  Hence why I am supportive of such Synchronicity and opposite unity political views throughout my blog spheres

I lean Geo Third Way SocBert (version of that ideologies that have elements of some Capitalist Socialism-Socialist Capitalism fusion)

I am passive toward Joe Biden's Democratic Capitalism + this Pragmatic Progressiveness/One Revolution and in a fairweather way I can live with such socioeconomic policies

There is a creative method we can use to force our country to be socialistic : Left Acceleration 

Left Acceleration means by accelerating Capitalism to it's absolute lowest point, a true socialistic society can finally pursue (in a way that would make Ayn Rand proud. Ayn Rand said that the moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness [i.e rational egoism] and that the only social system consistent with this type of morality is a system that displays full respect for individual rights embodied in laissez-faire economic liberalism i.e freedom of economics)

This is because a full maturation of capitalism is the precondition for a socialist realization . To quote Rosa L “ Capitalism, as a result of its own inner contradictions, moves toward a point when it will be unbalanced, when it will simply become impossible” 

The highest stage of development Capitalism would need to become a singular aspect of all of society and develop so extremely that our society does a 180 to become a Left Wing socialistic society 

But before we do Left Acceleration we would need a stronger democratic and civil society since economic liberalization is only sustainable to left accelerate us with strong democratic and civil society in place. Negative rights and free markets can be compatible in such specific scenarios and cases, and also complementary, to the concepts of  Social Justice.

I think I agree with Matt's YIMBYism and his reasoning (as outlined here). Of course I also echo these comments in this subreddit in reply to said article too. Keep in mind, Kate Wagner's article on YIMBYism in the Nation here provides my reasoning why I am not totally on board with YIMBYism. We have to abolish Capitalism.

Ayn Rand was a crypto Communist and that is a good thing. She was just critiquing Soviet Revisionism. Cope.

So Republicans/Conservatives, like how black nihilists withdrawal from POLITICAL entities but still form interpersonal coalitions between their fellow poc similarly withdrawal from POLITICAL entities and instead form interpersonal coalitions between your fellow Republicans/Conservatives 

If the Liberals and Leftists cause society to collapse , since you Republicans/Conservatives won't be engaged in politics, it would finally prove that Liberals/Leftists are at best as bad as you Republicans/Conservatives are. If they do improve society where nearly all of you would admit so, then you would have proof you were wrong.

Similar to this "We can’t go back to the middle ages or even back a few decades like right wingers and reactionaries want (due to the system being stacked against them) and we do not want to go in the Liberal 2.0 misdirection so we might as well go way way Left . 

Maybe by going that far left we can discover a new political spectrum wing that can please all Left Wingers, Libleft and AuthLeft alike, non extremist right wingers and reactionaries and maybe even Liberal 2.0ers at the same time (possibly a new political spectrum wing that is the closest approximation of what Fourth political positionismFifth political positionismSixth political positionismSeventh political positionism would look like in our universe with our laws of nature)"  

Let's face it being a right winger/conservative is a losing and futile cause. You will never conserve things. Might as well go left (way left of the Democrats and progressives, as left as possible) , because that is the only way to take down the Democrats/Liberals (from far left or post left (post left as in post left Anarchism) of them instead of from the right wing). Whoever is more left wins theses culture wars and political wars. 

In the left wing (but really in the far left/post left Anarchism wing mostly) you have all the tools to own the libs/Democrats.  

So instead of preserving and regressing to previous status quos, you right wingers/Republicans should try to fully erase (or allow the erasure of) modern culture since such culture irreversibly contaminated by Capitalism,  Christianity , Capitalist Christianity , Progressivism, and Globalism.

This society would also embrace Critical theory and not shy from having some Critical theory type discussions on hot button issues that are taboo in order to reach the same conclusions in said CritialTheory reddit thread

Eventually we will be in a cultural vacuum that is free of consumerist mass communication tech, and also that ends up being mixed with a new Laissez faire localist state of matters which will birth a rejuvenation of Anarcho Antiquitism sort of like emphatic left-wing traditionalism or like this , this and this.
along with religion (like TradCath).  So this all would be basically Conservative Nihilism

As non medical technology has advanced society has become worse off for it. With non medical tech, our society has lost more than it has gained. People confuse tech development with overall progress, they sadly cannot perceive society going downhill due to consumer electronics becoming more refined and complex

Actually.  to all far flung Right wingers and right wing populists, bigots etc please embrace every social and economic view of the Democratic Party (including radlib wokeness) this way it will shake up the whole political spectrum and turn it on its head. With all the chaos it can create a political transformation where everyone of all political stances are happy and harmonious


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