IdeoDisin details

Ideology Disintegrationism is:

Anti-Ideologicism (but not anti-politically)

 Radical Pragmatism

Ideology Disintegrationism believes that ideologies do nothing but needlessly label and restrict political thought. It wants to deconstruct any and all forms of ideology into singular ideas in the hopes of having objective and pragmatic political discussion based  only on the ideas themselves.

Objective and 'civilized' discussion

 To tear ideologies apart idea by idea until the point of unrecognition (see here, here, here for more)

Influenced by

Character Family:

 Radical Centrism (Dad/Mom)
 Hunter Avallonism (Child)

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Ismism:

  •  Ismism - This amalgamate is the bane of my dreadful existence.

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Class Dealignment:

  •  Class Dealignment - I support your quest to rid society of further bias and division.

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Postmodernism: 

  •  Post-Modernism - You're not correctly defined here. The deconstruction of deconstructive ideas of deconstruction is what makes you based!

From Ideological Disintegrationism to M Stirnerism:

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Senatorialism: 

  •  Senatorialism - I appreciate your ability to not have a fixed ideology.

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Radical Centrism:

  •  Radical Centrism - I appreciate your efforts to include ideas from both sides, but there should be no sides in the first place!

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Tribialism

  •  Tribalism - You are the origin of all this needless conflict.

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Apoligicalism:

  •  Apoliticism - Just because I reject ideologies doesn't mean I reject politics altogether!

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Political indecisiveness:

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Every single ideology:

  • Every single ideology - They're at no fault for their existence, but the ideas they hold should not be boxed up like this

From Ideological Disintegrationism to Horseshoe Centrism:

  •  Horseshoe Centrism - Having politics in one axis is bad enough and you mean to make it even more reductive?!


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