Left Con revol

City-State Municipalism Building Socialistic Tendency (Docuamentslistmeroer's Left Wing Conservative Revolution)

After the state withers away (or withers away until it is minimal/limited), I would want Austromarxism type of ‘Nationalism’ that is fused with Hyper National Liberalism to be implemented .This would be very similar to Ultra Left (Wing) economics that lead to Americanism with self determination

This would be done partly via Conservative Revolutionism which would create a post class analysis of this communistic stateless (Marxist) or limited/minimal state society and create a national community which would transcend the conventional divisions of left and right

In this post State Socialism (with strong worker’s rights, a strong centralized state and economic collectivism and that is similar to European Socialism) society or limited/minimal state society,  there would probably be something similar to a Patriotic Anarcho Social post statists (with patriotic warlords rising up as ‘monarchs’ counterposed against post state state equivalent bureaucracy or limited/minimal state, that represents the people against the ‘state’) that comes out of the things that I wrote above. 

If that is the case, then in that type of situation, I would want guilds and trade unions to be set up where they have influence by NGO adjacent and Left Rothbardian ‘private’ agencies (post governmental or limited/minimal state private) through indirect control that are aligned with critical liberalism. 

These guilds and trade unions would be Solidaric Syndicalist guilds and they would be used to maintain order and balance in this post State Socialism (with strong worker’s rights, a strong centralized state and economic collectivism and that is similar to European Socialism) society or limited/minimal state society (like Varys did in Game of Thrones)

This set up would be organic and be pro community. These Solidarity Syndicalist guilds would fight for increased worker protection while fighting against Free Masonry, Christian bigotry, Capitalism (if Capitalism comes back in this post State Socialism society or limited/minimal state society) , decadence and postmodern Marxism 


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