Not so class reduction

I do support Progressive Conservative Socialism (class reductionism but more so this type of class reductionism in all but a name and very much at times a Class Reductionist SJW)

Progressive Conservative Socialism is the progressive conservative version of Consocf.png conservative socialism. It is culturally moderate and supports the idea that both progressivism and Conservative.png conservatism and elements in them that are needed for society to prosper. This cultural model can be seen with 21st Century Socialism.

I support Revolutionary Communism over woke idpol hustlerism. I am on team Revolutionary Communism


I agree with Millie Cleveland here "While deeply committed to the struggle for Black liberation, Karega taught us that the struggle for racial equality had to be tied to the class struggle,” (Millie Cleveland in a tribute from SEIU Local 1021, where Karega served for a decade as Education and Training Director.) So like Millie Cleveland I strive to be committed to Black liberation , and tying the struggle for racial equality to class struggle

I also sometimes oscillate to a Global South type of Post Marxist mindset, which I support South American ipol that some stupidpolers called 'based'.(including the Nicholas Maduro and Gabriel Boric idpol strand)

According to Afro Pessimism (as I mention here) we may need more the above changes to truly emancipate blacks and give them and BIPOC in general true equality. Because according to Afro Pessimism  argue that the master/slave relation cannot be analogized with the capitalist/worker relation.  Also see here for the intersection of Black Nihilism (a related concept to Afro Pessimism) and Neoliberalism

I agree with this article . It shows how "racist scaremongering was fundamental to justifying the project of neoliberalism, and venerating the Black capitalist class is fundamental to maintaining it" It shows we have a lot of work to do in defeating neoliberalism and bring true equality for all

.So why not balance between focusing on class first in our socialist activism at times and using a Afro Pessimist approach (like focusing on defeating whiteness) in our socialist activism at other times . Maybe this can be done in a way that fuses Afro Pessimism with the above views ? I try to find a balance between the two which isn’t hard since they are both anti idpol . I touch on this concept in this post

I never said that lefitsts like me being oppositional to racism and sexism amounts to us ignoring the class struggle. In fact, us Marxists have very specific analyses of racism and sexism, and we are generally involved in opposing them. That is something very different from what is called woke politics

We have to fight against the palimpsests of ongoing oppression

We have to understand that in order to win over the masses, special consideration has to be made to workers who face super exploitation such as African American workers/BIPOC workers, women workers ,LGBTQ workers etc  

In his book Toward Soviet America, William Z Foster writes, “The capitalist class not only robs the workers as a whole, but it visits special exploitation upon those sections of the working class — Negroes, foreign-born, women, youth, the aged, etc. — who, for one reason or another, are the least able to defend themselves in the class struggle.” From the early days of left wing socioeconomic history, our leaders understood the relationship between class and special oppression."

We have to uplift and equalize the lower sexual classes through economic egalitarianism now and by abolishing the Heteronormative and Cisgender patriarchy afterward  

Political organizing has to overcome the sad fact that each socioeconomic society has characteristic bugaboos that caused barriers to effective political organizing

The woke/id reductionist/representative politic driven (ymmv) whites are wrong to racialize every issue and to use political idpolism on every issue. But we have to meet them where they are to counter this


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