Strawman tyranny

Officially known as Left Liberal Third Way (combo of Communist Statism and US pre post modernity Liberalism  (which is Classical Liberalism, NrX Liberalism and Third Way Social Authoritarianism)

Political opportunism

Supports Social corporatism (with the Socialist part being based on Patriotic Socialism) and the corpatism part being based on this type of corporate system

Anti Clericalism 

Pro Inclusive Citizenship/ A citizen is a citizen approach

Anti Abuse of marginalized persons

Anti Internationalist Corporatized plutocratic left

Is against vices such as Anti Semitism and Biological Racialism

Supports Ron Desantis protecting Jews in Florida no matter what the slippery slope is

Is protective of Islam

Against Liberal Decadence

Positive attitude toward Zionism , Jews, Christians, Israeli Arabs etc

Views white supremacy as arrant, madness, baloney, dumb and foolish

Has pragmatic views on culture war issues and may do things like former President Richard Nixon did where he introduced progressive socioeconomic policies in the US as President in order to prevent Socialism and Communism from even getting a foothold in the US political system let alone to prevent Socialism and Communism from becoming relevant in the US 

Supports National traits as in:

I do not want the US to lose its national identity in a way where the US culture is unrecognizable to what it traditionally is. Otherwise why have a country at all? We should share our common historical solidarity. Our nations are a reflection of our unique spirit and ideas. 

To keep our community of people in the US strong, united and in solidarity with each other, the US needs to promote love of community, family (until we abolish family as the norm then decentralized free association and specific collectives), and faith .We need to end usury, end debt slavery and end human trafficking. We need to fix the free trade problems by altering or ending free trade

filtered through this line of thought 

National identities are "existent" in that they are believed in, yes, yet these identities emerge from and are molded by the subtle material forces at play: forces of capitalist production and reproduction. 

National identities are also always in flux in bourgeois/capitalist societies, and cosmopolitanism is born of the predominant nature of production every place on Earth. This is due to cosmopolitanism serving productive aims, and due to capitalism's motivation for growth and to expand out of necessity. This too is why attempting to fuse reactionary traditionalism with capitalism is doomed and will thus fail.

Nationality is an example of an imagined community, it is not an authentic relationship whereas class is. 

We obviously should show zero tolerance or ethnic discrimination, however it cannot create a sound basis for political action, since idpol not only obfuscates class along with inequality, but also reinforces capitalism, and ultimately leads to genocides. Idpol should thus be opposed.

The traditions of a community moreover are for the most part irrelevant. They are historically malleable, and continuingly exchanged and negotiated between communities throughout the ages. Greek religion robbed from the near East, Rome culture from Greece, Catholicism robbed from Rome, etc. Nothing is ongoing. What is meaningful is people, and how well people live. 

which basically comes out as:

However, I believe that the nation is defined as the totality of persons bound together through a common destiny into a community of character. To me, national identity is not necessarily obstructive toward class consciousness, existing as a useful praxis for the self determination of the worker. 

This line of thought: Tribal/Religious-Statism and Leninism 4.0 (French post-structuralism, radlib-unorthodox Marxism with woke idpol-intersectionality [like this]/related to the fictional utopian version of the Frankfort school)  are not, as some people falsely and wrongly believe, a phenomenon of any particular group of people. The fact of the matter is that such toxic ideologies are leading to the complete ruin of the people who they are wrongly and falsely blamed on the most

Supports FLINTA fused with this Haz line of thought, the Woke Caste System and TERF Nationalism

Supportive of this ideology: Russian Manifest Destiny fused with this line of thought : I am glad that Joe Biden has brought an end to the unipolar world with his aid to Ukraine. Because of the US's aid to Ukraine, Ukraine is now a super power after receiving 1% of the United State's weapons, thus becoming a multipolar world. And since I like us having a multipolar world, I am glad that we are getting there even using the above unconventional route to it


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