Survive thrive 4pt encave vol excl

 I hope the hard right, radical right and far right (i.e the bigots and haters) embraces some political views that I support so they can be deradicalized. I pity them but if they support the political views I support, they would be liberated and emancipated from their hate, bigotry and hostilities.

In a world with economic egalitarianism, no hierarchies (and likely Horizontalism in their place), no identity categories or blurred identity categories, no male patriarchy/patriarchy, no heterosexism, no cissexism, no white ethnocentricity, no racialization, no state and no state props (like mentioned here), possible gender abolition, possible transhumanism (maybe including soma), better family planning, better education, no Liberalism 2.0 (including no neoliberalism), neofascists (and maybe also after other deradicalization methods mentioned throughout this blog to go along with this) the hard right, radical right and far right (i.e the bigots and haters) will no longer be able to be bigots or haters. 

Also see this for some balance on this

When left to our own devices, people will somehow, magically, 'do the right thing’

Seeing all identities as equalized and normalized will prevent bigotry since no one will be able to see differences that would lead them to be bigoted in the first place, see this meme for more

Plus, this world as mentioned above would help more people get economic opportunities  and give their lives positive meaning (see Kibbutz for one example).  

Thus people won’t end up like this former liberal in such a utopia. We can use either of these methods to achieve this utopia. This is because on the social level, the reappropriation of life, in addition to its full reappropriation on the individual level, people will have stopped identifying essentially in terms of our social identities.

Here and here are some paths we can take to get to this egalitarian, hierarchyless, classless, stateless society that is free of Liberalism 2.0 and that embraces the 4pt (since we need the 4pt to defeat Liberalism 2.0) . 

We can also use left acceleration as I mentioned here (economic section)

If after this there is still god forbid, division , hostility and resentment after the above changes ,then I would support Pan Secessionism . 

Pan Secessionism would be a unique way to unite persons if the above changes won’t work, see this for more.  .Maybe there would be a human rights model in such a Pan Secessionist society based on this line of thinking on human rights

There would be no deification of “progress” in a universalist context in this Pan Secessionist society

There is a case to be made that targets of hostility, resentment and especially violence would way more easily be able to relocate to escape such hostility, resentment and especially violence in a more localist world (though obviously as mentioned above they ideally should not need to do that)

These include radical localized autonomous zones . As a kid and teen in the 1980s and 1990s, (and to a extremely much lesser extent in in 2007, and in the late 2010s early 2020s) I lived in a radically localized mindset and it was refreshing, liberating and individualistic. It was like I was in my own video game.

It was great as a kid or teen for me not going beyond NJ or knowing any news story save for a handful (i.e fall of the Berlin wall)

Through this Pan Secessionism , some people might build Bioregional/Libertarian Municipal communities or maybe there would be autonomous enclaves for laborers to promote workers rights (I feel every worker deserves a place that appreciates and rewards their hard work and that works for the benefit of the working class), some people might build Faith based communities. It is the freedom for people to build their own communities 

I would provisionally condone or look into supporting Left Communitarian Multiculturalism (with a touch of One Nation Labour) forming in some of the areas within North America. 

I would also hope that 4pt expands in this pan Secessionism world , complete with pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves with this expansion of 4pt thought

In these future worlds in these pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves, there will be new traditions (next wave), new values and new theology while countering and fighting against worldly sophistication and I would be ok with that or I would take a passive wait and see approach with all of that

Like maybe Americans would rediscover Pre postmodernity that would be understood not as the past, but as the a-temporal structure of principles and values. Sort of like in religion God/Trinity always existed, exists now and will always exist.

This new world would be skeptical of the idea of progress (including that progress of history leads to liberty and enlightenment) which is the idea that the current order of things is the result of an ongoing improvement process that we can take further, possibly even to its apotheosis, if we put in the effort.

This new world would reject he concept of progress as bigger and more (since such concepts of progress are rooted in colonialist, chauvinist and imperialistic, anti black structures). It would instead try to replace that with a more equalitequitable concept of progress

This world would see our current trajectory, which the rulers and their loyal reformist and “revolutionary” opposition label “progress”,  as inherently harmful to individual freedom, free association, healthy relations, the totality of life and even Earth itself. Postmodernity’s biggest weakness is decadence

This world would bring this trajectory to an end so that new ways of living and relating would be developed if we are to achieve full autonomy and freedom. This would not necessarily lead to absolutely rejecting technology and civilization, nor would this rejection constitute the bottom line of a break with the Left.

However this partial rejection of some aspects of progress definitely would mean a willingness to seriously and critically analyze and question civilization and technology, and in particular industrialism.  Basically it would not be conservative/traditional since history doesn't repeat

People who are not willing to raise these types of questions most likely themselves continue to hold to the myth of progress.

This world would be neither left nor right; the modern world would be replaced with an ever improving image—with its own form (maybe individualism or Futurism or English Canada Post Nationalism?)

This a-temporal structure of principles and values would belong to the different philosophical Universe (where exist Eternity, God, angels, souls, devil, end of time and resurrection of dead).  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual beliefs

There would be a form of cultural egalitarianism in these pre post moderntity enclaves, that would appreciate the positiveness of humanity’s cultural diversity, but would deem it impossible to make a moral judgment regarding any culture that has existed at any time in history, including the present.

There would be intellectual expansion of non Liberal 2.0ers

In these pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves the only form of exclusion in this would be voluntary exclusion .

This is because a 4pt society would naturally be anti racist, free of Liberalism 2.0 and also because the greater pan Secessionism of the US that a 4pt society would be part of would in its own way have stop the hatred that fuels involuntary exclusion

So, even if God forbid hierarchies reformed they would only be based on things people who are excluded can control i.e their actions or interests and NOT based on their identity or class (there would be no classes and lines between identities would be blurred i.e on the social level, the reappropriation of life, in addition to its full reappropriation on the individual level, people will have stopped identifying essentially in terms of our social identities.) in any way shape or form

Basically like on Survivor and Big Brother when some alliances and alliance members are marginalized by other alliances and members of those other alliances strictly due to things that have nothing to do with their identity/classes

I wouldn’t lose sleep over non identity and non class ,marginalized groups and voluntary exclusion in these pre postmodernity/non western political modernity enclaves since it would not be based on identity or classes but 100 percent based on controllable factors that have zero to do with identity.  

Because eventually we would end even that type of discrimination that is based on controllable factors (non identity and non class factor). 


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