wake me up before you go-go

Idpol etc

“I don’t ascribe in any way to these ideas that identity politics (idpol) is bad for us. I think I can take someone who is deeply concerned about patriarchy and I can make them understand how patriarchy intersects with capitalism much more than I can take someone who’s mad because GM took their job away and make them understand socialism”
-- Sean McElwee, leftism's infant terrible.

I support Equitism but when used in conjunction with other ideologies. (i.e I align with Leftist Equitarian ideology),  (i.e I align with this type of Leftist Equitarian ideology )

“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery." -- C. L. R. James

I am absolutely against this reverse RACIST woke trash policy mentioned  and I agree with EVERY stupdpol post in this thread that criticizes this woke garbage policy. Remember the reverse racist authoritarians who push these so called diverse policies are Pro Hamas which is ironic since they are mostly WHITE latte liberetards who don't give a FUCK ABOUT PEOPLE OF COLOR AND ONLY DO THESE DIVISIVE EVIL ROTTEN reverse racist policies to keep blacks on the Democratic/libera plantation. 

It is reasonable for us to not allow this hollow, shallow regressive wokeness anymore. We must channel Mark Twain's anti imperialism and then unimperalize/deimperialize  these white woke DEI woke national imperialists so we have a path for blacks to just so happen to use an escape the oppression all of us have felt at one time (If the "anti-blackness" the article described served or will serve as a template, it'll be some kind of reality where every individual discrimination becomes supreme for that group only 

Such methods can be fused with Adolph Reed's balanced method here (which comes out as Aime Cesaire's method here due to go along with this method and counter methods here (like this line of thought:  Although Calvin Warren seems to reduce this broad terrain of “pathology” to nihilism, this need not follow. There is a long tradition of black social thought, from W.E.B Du Bois and MLK Jr, to Eldridge Cleaver, Huey Newton, and Angela Davis that suggests more robustly normative and even emancipatory content to such practices as refusal to work, drug abuse, crime
and especially the methods of Calvin Warren touched on in the latter link, more on that in a second)

She said: “Not because I don’t trust my team but [because] I want to make sure that the process followed for that recruitment has been diverse, has been properly done and is not just a phone call to a mate saying, ‘would you like a job, pop up and we’ll fix it up for you’.”

The idea that the majority of white people and men are nepo hires is laughable. Considering that the current policy in most western governments and corporations is, "Would you like a job [minority]? Pop up and we'll fix it up for you."  Ok when she put it like that I am still against it but not mad against it.  But there are stupidpol posts in the link above that challenges her view there which as mentioned above echo. 

So the NYU piece in the link above has a particularly good way to iron out the striking issues with Afro Pessimism:

"Such sweeping accounts of African American history give ample lie to Frank Wilderson’s frequent claim that Afro-Pessimism is at odds with narrative. Such confusion stems, in part, from Wilderson’s insistence that only redemptive narratives count as narratives, properly construed, perhaps because they have an ending.60 

Yet even the “historical stillness” that Wilderson, appropriating Spillers, takes to be the vision of Afro-pessimism must take narrative form because the significations of race, ostensible civic status, or political demands of African Americans have at least the appearance of transformation. The Afro-pessimist must produce an alternative, ironic history that seeks to unmask this appearance as illusory. "

It is the only way, for instance, that Afro-pessimists can claim to show that the popular

view that the civil rights movement represents “progress” is disingenuous. On their view, the

“reformist ideologies” of the movement, and “their disastrous integration with bureaucratic

machinery” fell into the impossible trap of trying to “affirm Blackness itself without at the same

time affirming anti-Black violence.”61 Calvin Warren, for example, claims to unmask Martin

Luther King’s appeals to the redemptive power of the spectacle of voluntary and undeserved

suffering in civil rights protest, as the cruelest ruse in American life – blood sacrifices for a

democracy never to come (which is party why I am no fan of Democracy , why I appear as critical of it as I am 

As can be seen here, here and here for more

As an aside, we must oppose Democracy, not only because it will never lead the true civil rights and equality for blacks as Calvin Warren mentioned above, but also we must oppose the state 

protect the civil liberties blacks and other marginalized groups already have. The state is a foe to our civil liberties and the best way to safeguard our civil liberties is to protect each other’s control over our bodies and justly acquired possessions 

To quote Afro Pessimist scholar Frank Wilder: Individuals can of course achieve some status in society through “structural adjustment” (i.e., a kind of “whitening” effect), as has been superficially confirmed, but Blackness as a racialized category remains the object of gratuitous, constituent violence—as demonstrated by police murders, mass incarceration, urban planning, and surveillance (from cointelpro to special security codes at stores to indicate when Black customers enter). 

As Blackness is negated by the relations and structures of society, Afro-pessimism posits that the only way out is to negate that negation”

Another thing is to help BIPOC achieve the status leveling up that Wilder mentioned above, ,we must be Anti Statist , which is to say we must be against centralized state power. At absolute minimum, we have to be against government bureaucracy especially inefficient government bureaucracy 

We have to oppose to the state  as an enforcer of institutions, submission, and force. 

I believe the state inherently violates personal autonomy and that is wrong and we need to stop that abuse

I feel liberty and equality can’t be implemented within the state, since it interrogates all forms of domination and hierarchy. See here for more. The full state as institution is the source of evil throughout  the entirety of history.

Anyway let's get back to where we were:

62 To re-inscribe a redemptive narrative with black suffering at its

center, Warren argues, imposes a kind of masochism and cruel optimism upon African

Americans, where “attempts at recognition and inclusion in society will only ever result in

further social and real death.”63

Like me, Calvin Warren is a Heideggerian and into metaphysics and dabbles into humanist philosophy. He intervenes within Afro Pessimism as mentioned below:

"In Ontological Terror Calvin L. Warred  intervenes in Afro-pessimism, Heideggerian metaphysics, and black humanist philosophy by positing that the "Negro question" is intimately imbricated with questions of Being. Warren uses the figure of the antebellum free black as a philosophical paradigm for thinking through the tensions between blackness and Being. 

He illustrates how blacks embody a metaphysical nothing. This nothingness serves as a destabilizing presence and force as well as that which whiteness defines itself against. Thus, the function of blackness as giving form to nothing presents a terrifying problem for whites: they need blacks to affirm their existence, even as they despise the nothingness they represent. 

By pointing out how all humanism is based on investing blackness with nonbeing—a logic which reproduces antiblack violence and precludes any realization of equality, justice, and recognition for blacks—Warren urges the removal of the human from its metaphysical pedestal and the exploration of ways of existing that are not predicated on a grounding in being."

Frank Wilder doesn't totally neglect Karl Marx. “ FW: No. All of my work is an interrogation of that assumptive logic. I’m sometimes misunderstood to be saying that I have left Marxism. I’m sometimes misunderstood to be saying that the cognitive map that Marx gives us should be thrown out. That’s not what I’m saying. 

How do you throw out a cognitive map that explains political economy so well? What I’m saying is that in Das Kapital vol. I, Marx has two opportunities to think the relation between the slave and everyone else and each of those opportunities presents him with a kind of paradox, a conundrum; and instead of meditating on that he bounces off of it and continues to posit that the world is out of joint because there is a dichotomy between haves and have-nots, because there’s a dichotomy between those who accumulate capital and those who work for a wage. 

What I’m saying is that his hit on the slave and then bouncing off of that are a disavowal of the nature of the slave relation, which is symptomatic of the problems in political organizing and political thought on the Left. I’m saying that the antagonism in Das Kapital should be relegated to a conflict because there is an aspect of the thinking which presents itself with a coherent way out. 

The slave/non-slave, or the Black/human relation, presents us with a structural dynamic which cannot be reconciled and which does not have a coherent mode of redress.”

These claims avail themselves of, and radicalize, an existing civil rights historiography
that also breaks with the chronological ordering of conventional historical discourse to
juxtapose and rearrange judgments about the past, present, and future in order to convey
59 Wilderson III, Afropessimism, 96. 60 Ibid 226
61 "Introduction," Afro-pessimism: An introduction (Minneapolis, MN: Racked & Dispatched, 2017),
https://rackedanddispatched.noblogs.org/files/2017/01/Afro-Pessimism.pdf. 62 Warren, "Black Nihilism and the Politics of Hope," 216-7. 63 “Introduction” in Afro-Pessimism, 10. Afro-pessimism has appropriated Orlando Patterson’s concept of “social death,”
which was meant to mark the extreme refusal of social recognition that characterizes enslavement, extending not just to
generalized social dishonor or susceptibility to violent coercion, but even the standing to make legitimate claims on one’s
ancestors, progeny, and human equals. Afro-pessimism has picked up on an ambiguity in Patterson’s uses of the term to
deploy it as a description of lived experience. See Patterson, Slavery and Social Death, 1-17. Also, see Vincent Brown, “Social
Death and Political Life in the Aftermath of Slavery” 
Please do not circulate without permission
unwavering continuity underneath apparent contingency. The aim of this literature is to show
how, as the historian Leon Litwack concludes in his ironist account of black political history
(titled appropriately, How Free is Free?), “It is all very different. It is all very much the same.”64

"Glenn Greenwald | @ggreenwald : If you find yourself spending your time trying to control the personal, intimate choices of adults -- either through the force of law or moralistic judgment - it's likely a sign that you have some deep unhappiness and unsettled discomfort within yourself. Mind your own business. Mar 07, 2023 

Identity needs identification in order to exist. Class is a material reality. Class exists whether or not you identify with it and whether or not you even know it exists. If you do not posses capital and you work with capital another person possesses and take home less than the entire economic value of whatever you produce , then you are in fact a proletarian. 

It has no bearing whether you never heard the term proletarian or even if you are a citizen of a society where the notion of class never was discovered and nobody has any knowledge of what a proletarian or a class is. You are still a proletarian.

This is the reason that we go on and on about "class consciousness" instead of "class identity". You can be aware or you can be not aware of the class you are a part of but what you identify as is of no importance to your class membership.

Some leftists claim that leftists who say things like "LGBTQ problems are bourgeois decadence are also included as not being left wing" but my reply is what is a "wing?"Socialists etc do class analysis not based on arbitrary American media-lens analysis of wings.

Anyway a big reason that I am generally fine and a-ok with regular idpol is the following: Idpol may not be rooted in materialist analyses but how people feel about themselves is ultimately a part of them. People have vices they can't control and they shouldn't be marginalized because of it

Every minority issue has merit. If we want left wing socioeconomics, we also have to think about all the minority individuals that are down and out and oppressed. There are too many intersectionalities between being an oppressed minority and being working class. Race issues, gender issues, LGBTQ issues, they all end up circling back to working class issues anyway due to the fact many working class people are members of some minority, and that their experience as a minority working class member is doubly awful due to the dual nature of alienation they face both economically and socially.  So that is a big reason why I am generally fine and a-ok with regular idpol 

Materialist feminists, (such as Shulamith Firestone and Christine Delphi) understand that patriarchy is binded to family structure, reproduction, and social institutions including marriage, and that these are concrete measures that a person can take toward changing these forms. 

Measures that don’t require policing of language, or generic denunciations, but that instead require a broad movement with a social totality vision , with liberation for all

All criticism I make in this blog of wokeness and idpol, I criticize right wing ‘wokeness and idpol’ (racism) 10 times more 

I recognize that, while various oppressed groups experience their dispossession in ways that are specific to their oppression and that the analysis of these specificities is necessary in order to gain a full understanding of how domination functions, nevertheless, dispossession is fundamentally the theft of the capacity of each of us as individuals to create our lives on our own terms in free association with others. 

The id pol writers like Ta’Neshi Coates and Margaret Atwood are bourgeois hacks

I critique idpol insofar as because idpol preserves victimization-enabled identities and social roles (i.e. affirming rather than negating gender, class, etc.) and idpol also inflicts guilt-induced paralysis, amongst others . So I critique idpol for those reasons mostly

Because idpol not dealt with.  Certain idpol like buzzfeed idpol , overkill ipdol and maybe more radlib idpol are treated as a "mistake" by Liberal 2.0  in some way like the issue with such idpol is with the strategy with which it implements to achieve its aims moreso than the aims themselves, as if the fundamental core of its analysis is right but its means of reaching that place are not. The criticism of that idpol by Liberal 2.0ers is more often than not limited to their "excesses" as if the problem wasn't actually with the root of their worldview.

The "stop fighting the culture war" slogans actually are great expression of this. You'll see if you pay even the slightest attention, that this is mainly used to discipline "conservatives" (actually, anyone that isn't overtly progressivist) and when it is used to discipline progressives it is just because of the way they are fighting that is being criticized, not though what they are fighting for (radlib idpol)

As an example, if you believe that a furry showing up to a strike in a fursuit is a cringe thing that alienates red blooded human beings this is "fighting the culture war" but if you believe that furry liberation is the the whole reason for unions then this too is "fighting the culture war" yet furries should still 100 percent feel comfy to wear their fursuits to such things, since obviously they should, they only need to be class first. 

The whole idea of normalcy is absolutely absent in the mindsets of the Liberal 2.0 though now to sneer "why do you even give a damn bro/broette" as the working class are scolded its their responsibility to fight for the "rights" of ever growing more obscure groups of decedent goofballs as if these should be a precondition to some left wing economic system (i.e socialism for example) somehow.

Yet caring about this renders someone a "right winger with strange hangups" while at the same time the furries "have their hearts in the correct place" in the views of the "anti-idpol" leftist who has seemingly never spoke to any working class person outside of situations where the workers know they got to be on their best behavior as to not cause offense to their superiors.

An integral element of that moral economy is displacement of the critique of the invidious outcomes produced by capitalist class power onto equally naturalized categories of ascriptive identity that sort us into groups supposedly defined by what we essentially are rather than what we do” Adolph Reed 

We have to fight against the palimpsests of ongoing oppression

Idpol,i.e “identity politics” originated with black Queer Marxist lesbian feminists along with the Combahee River Collective (1974 - 1980). When I write about idpol or “identity politics”, I know that “representation politics” is the official, formal term for it 

I feel there are better ways to stop the capitalist recuperation that plagues marginalized communities without emphasizing idpol and without using overkill idpol

Abolishing identity categories (like via Gender abolishment, Queer Anarchism, Queer Theory, Queer neutrality/queer anti-identitarianism, Gay Shame movement, Anarcha Feminism, Gender Acceleration, etc) is better than idpol and Intersectionality and fixes the problems that idpol was created to fix in a natural, non essentialist way

I support Jose Munoz's disidentification and his deconstruction of the positivism at the heart of identity politics . Also see this post here by me 

I do see ‘positives’ in idpol (I am not a fan of idpol tbh), but I am against overkill idpol.  I feel overkill Identity Politics seeks to divide us and conquer us and separate us into these little categories. It's not for me.

I respect Fred Hampton’s commitment to solidarity even if he was using idpol.  Currently existing, modern idpol, quite separate from the idealized version that people rave about, is inherently anti-solidaristic. 

It's a way for toxic people to scold others who weren’t born using ‘correct’ pronouns. It is about siloing groups who compete in a zero-sum race for oppression cred at the same time as individuals are being subsumed into each alleged monolithic identity,  irrespective of the differences between them. It is paying lip service to the struggles of other people while being monomaniacally absorbed in idpol person’ own concerns.

Adolph Reed quotes Mao's aphorism that "politics is about uniting the many to defeat the few." From one standpoint you could say that having a Black panthers contributes to balkanizing the Left, but Fred Hampton's solidarity commitment is obvious and stands in stark contrast to toxic people who's only motive seems to be to eject people out of the movement like latter day inquisitors. 

Hampton organized with the young activists who prominently displayed the confederate flag as a symbol of their movement. He didn't call them neofascist bigots who should just go join the klan already.

This is reminiscent of the 19th century national liberation movements in Europe. 

There was a reactionary Italian priest who was known for opposing the 1848 revolution in Italy and the risorgimento more broadly. After he became well known across Europe for being a reactionary he went to the US for some Catholic PR or something like that. 

At a stop in the Eastern Midwest he was mobbed and chased out of the town he was in by the largely German migrants (48ers) of that area for his notorious politics. 

A lot of these migrants were refugees of the failed revolutions in Germany. They had zero connection to Italian nationalism, but they saw their own liberation struggles reflected in the experience of the Italians and they stood in solidarity with them. 

"We don't hate the mothafucking white people. We hate the oppressors, whether he be white, black, brown, or yellow." Fred Hampton

Fred Hampton was an awesome person that just knew how to fix the US, assist the people and solve injustice. He was a true once in a generation type of person.

Some ideas on how to break free from idpol can be found here

More good articles on the issues of idpol can be found here

Awake to the Struggle

While I sympathize with DEI due to it being criticize by the same people who wrongly state being pro Palestine is antisemitic, I still am against DEI and I agree with Elon Musk above. I am glad that companies are now rejecting DEI

I am Third Way on wokeness (Third Way as in Financial Times linked article third way). Wokeness means to me over the top idpol and representative politics, intersectionality, virtue signaling, equity (i.e more woman ceos, CBS's literal racial quotas), cancel culture, political correctness etc.

Sacrificing yourself for the 'greater good' is futile since our society is made up of individuals instead of a cohesive unit that is separate from the individual. Collective control is not consistent with anarchism and is authoritarian  Real freedom can only happen in a truly free society

This is because I am no fan or radical cheerleader of collectivism and I find it pretty problematic

I feel that collectivism is of the subordination of the individual to the group.

The campaign against "anti-Semitism" in the Labour Party takes hold of a vulnerability of the broad left - its intersectionality, its inability to confront identity-oppression claims. By doing so it weaponises the idea of anti-racism”. Mike Macnair editor of the Weekly Worker

I agree with views in this Ask a Liberal thread on the Vincent Lloyd situation 

Vincent Lloyd makes some fair points here too

I believe that Alexander Dugin may be on to something here. I agree with any comments from that reddit thread which either agree with Dugin's statement or at least not dismissive of it. This is why I am a bit Anti West

What is wokeness? Maybe this can answer your question. Wokeness is equity, virtue signaling, weaponized essentialism, overkill idpol (overkill representative politics, cancel culture, political correctness that has gone way too far, etc)  I am thinking what Tulsi Gabbard said here is base?  “I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue & stoke anti-white racism actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms," At worst what she said wasn’t wrong or offensive. See more of my thoughts on this quote by her here

There are a lot of things that people refer to as "woke" that i disagree with. Overkill idpol or even many aspects of non overkill idpol as a whole for instance are risky or even dangerous as idpol divides us further in an already divisive country and world

But there are a lot of things about human rights, like rights for marginalized people, that some people who often disagree with would call "woke" that I however agree with. So wokeness is in the eye of the beholder

The wokeness I am particularly against is woke things like postmodern intellectuals and overly-sensitive student activists. I am not against gender equalityLGBTQ acceptance, and civil rights 

I never said that leftists like me being oppositional to racism and sexism amounts to ignoring the class struggle. In fact, us Marxists have very specific analyses of racism and sexism, and we are generally involved in opposing them. That is something very different from what is called woke politics.

Wokeness also can be seen by many to be virtue signaling that is done by the Liberal 2.0 ,and Liberal Left in general
Wokeness isn’t some powerful force ,the entities that promote wokeness are the powerful ones. Wokeism "by chance" coincides with a material ideology for people who are in power. For the rest of us not in power,  wokeness is just some illusory rhetoric. I expand on thie connection in this section of my blog

I agree with this video by Ana Kasperian titled "Wokeness Is Hurting Democrats"

A very concrete example of woke medicine would be elderberry tincture and testosterone

Gas prices are not woke, they are high due to corporate price gouging more than anything else.

Though sanctions against Russia, souring relations with some countries in the Middle East, along with some domestic certainly can lead to some people believing that gas is woke. Gas prices likely would have grown (though not as much) under Republicans, seeing how they'd have probably enacted many of the same policies as Democrats (especially corporate and neocon)

There is a clear antagonism between the woke SJW politics of college students and the middle class, and the very defiant working class.

I love that Brianna Joy Gray made Bethany Mandel look weak and foolish when she rightfully asked Bethany to describe wokeness (as mentioned here).  While I am no fan of wokeness and I critique it, I feel that Bethany Mandel's crusade against what she sees as wokeness was in bad faith so to see BJG own Bethany in the debate on wokeness was awesome and good to see.   

Of course asking Liberal 2.0ers to define what is a woman and what does far right mean (along with describing what charges Donald Trump is being charged with by DA Alvin Bagg in NY) would have a seemingly similar effect on some people with my type of mindset

Wokeness is a said to be needed due to our country becoming more diverse so there’s that

On the Five on fox News on May 1 2023, Katie Pavlich had a good take on wokeness (where she pointed out right wing book banning, and the need for practical examples of wokeness to wake the Liberals/Libs and Dems up about why they need to slow down or even get rid of wokeness.  I also agree with the examples of Elon Musk and Bill Maher on wokeness cited by the Five in that episode and some of the reactions to it from the Five

“Wokeness is a bourgeoisie moral revolution” - Wesley Yang

I tend to agree with this article by Malcolm Kyeune "Wokeness, the Highest Stage of Managerialism"

You cannot be woke and anti imperialist. You can be anti racist , an advocate of social justice and equality but you can’t join the mobs like ones CNN is fermenting around liberal causes if you oppose their wars. Wokeism is pro Imperialist    

Wokeness is not about whites hating themselves. If that were true there wouldn’t be hundreds of white Breadtubers who not only are NON self loathing but who are in fact arrogant. This study though provides balance to this viewpoint

Wokeness does not mean African Americans are always victims no matter what. If that were true, then Liberal 2.0 SJWs wouldn’t be getting away with harassing Dr Ben Carson, Candace Owens and Kanye West like they often do. However a good possible counterpoint to this is the fact that some engage in heretical behavior that draws condemnation, does not negate the former since they are separate things

Wokeness is not about causing endless strife. Republicans generally make no solid effort to build bridges and instead just outrage monger over our first world exaggerated issues (though most of GOP cultural complaints come down to them resisting changes imposed by Democrats especially by Liberal 2.0ers and non Liberal 2.0 progressives)

But to play devil’s advocate, on wokeness causing strife and not building bridges, in 2009 some well meaning liberal Feminists did want no part of building bridges (literally) as they siphoned billions of dollars aimed at construction in former President Barack Obama’s stimulus plan

In 2009, women’s groups were appalled at the former President Barack Obama’s stimulus plan for being not being liberal feminist enough for them. To them, grids and dams stimulus funding were non feminist.  

Woke op eds immediately appeared in major newspapers with woke titles like “Where are the New Jobs for Women?” and “The Macho Stimulus Plan.” 

A group of notable feminist economists created a petition which quickly ballooned to more than 600 signatures, and that petition called on then president elect Barack Obama to add projects within the health, child care, education, and social services fields to “institute apprenticeships” to train women for “at least a third” of the infrastructure jobs 

At the same time, more than 1,000 feminist historians signed an open letter urging then President Obama not to favor a “heavily male-dominated field” like construction: “We need to rebuild not only concrete and steel bridges but also human bridges.” The moment these groups became aware of each other, they formed an anti-stimulus plan action group known as WEAVE–Women’s Equality Adds Value to the Economy.

A team of six AP reporters who have been tracking the funds find that the $300 billion sent to the states is being used mainly for health care, education, unemployment benefits, food stamps, and other social services. According to Chris Whately, director of the Council of State Governments, “We all talked about ‘shovel-ready’ since September and assumed it was a whole lot of paving and building when, in fact, that’s not the case.”  Read more here 

There is however, such a thing as ‘Woke food’ . Food delivery app Postmates celebrated Pride month in 2022 with a new menu category to help users avoid unwelcome poop during backdoor fun

The video promotion by Postmates features a BDSM-clad eggplant representing the "top", and a little peach representing the "bottom" navigating through dietary choices. 

The video is a colorful and over the top presentation of how the food categories curated by the food delivery app will help the "bottom" avoid poop making an unwelcome appearance during intimate relations.

Half of the LGBTQ identifying users in the replies on the Twitter post of the video are not thrilled to say the very least about Pride month being reduced to (and represented by) intercourse and poop. However, others seem very supportive.

Also, Postmates made a follow up post here: https://twitter.com/Postmates/status/1534971339953491968 and the comments are very negative. I guess they flew too close to the sun

I feel that Postmates is cool and base for doing an unpc thing like they did with their Eat with pride bottom poop campaign but I am not a fan or even a supporter really of that campaign since they still used a very woke (yes you can be unpc and woke at the same time) type of Pride campaign and thus are a perfect example of the Liberal 2.0 threat we are facing in our society by that type of Pride campaign 

This article .and this article expand on this in both ways. My views on this are much much closer to the former article than the latter article.  

This type of Pride campaign was meant to show Postmates love for the LGBTQ community in a passionate and warm way and I commend Postmates for that attempt (though it could also be Postmates like all companies [i.e Amazon] pretending to be woke in order to hide their greedy capitalistic, monopolistic [if they want to be monopolistic they should use a Guild Socialism model to do so] and by extension inhumane treatment of their workers). 

But Postmates used a Liberal 2.0 type of Pride campaign that ended up being extremely unintentionally homophobic so that is a terrible result and does more harm than good for the LGBTQ community . Tech companies should not be stereotyping the LGBTQ community even if they are doing so in a ‘pro’ LGBTQ sort of way

Postmates should have used Left wing (non woke) types of methods for that Pride campaign instead of Liberal 2.0 methods. If they did it like that I would have been fine with that pride campaign 

Oh to show Postmates checked all of their Intersectionality boxes, they made a donation to a charity that was founded by an African American women to support Trans people who are food insecure or mentally handicapped.

Wokeness is a strong commitment to identity politics, which uses its own distinct jargon, and which downplays economic analysis. This includes engaging in performative in-group rituals that uses its own distinct jargon.

Though wokeness can also be seen as a aesthetically progressive (or actually Liberal 2.0) tendency among professionals of the Neoliberal era, that combines elements of Liberal and radical feminism with subaltern racialism. Though.originally wokeness was a collective black thought which literally meant not being a zombie, or asleep to the struggle. White Liberal 2.0ers, gen z and politicians have again changed the term for there own benefit.

Woke opinions are born of a desire for a person to remove himself/herself  of the inherently human, but uncomfortable fact that our self identity of a race-ethnicity, gender or sexuality births this idea of an anti-identity , not through intentional segregation but instead through creating a personal spectrum relating these antithetical concepts of identity.

Some people say that ignorance to a person’s own personal biases are just as bad as a person 'openly' embracing their personal biases

 Because "liberalism", "conservatism", "capitalism", "socialism", "communism", "anarchism", "fascism" and "feminism" have also been used with exaggerated definitions to browbeat people, they too, of course, are meaningless nonsense words.

Woke people correctly identify that badness of racism, sexism, etc, but they actually do not understand what essentialism is. As a result of this ignorance, they begin to see essentialism itself as an essential quality of certain kinds of people... and the rest is history.

Like they despise essentialism so much (while understanding its universal nature so little) that they have become rabid essentialists themselves.

A very few mainstream liberal 2.0ers and leftists used the term "woke". It went from being mostly used in regards to black politics, to being a construction of classic liberal, right libertarian and to a larger extent conservative politics.

Woke is a demonization erasing the nuances and complexities of Liberal 2.0 brand of progressivism. It's a shorthand term designed to characterize a feeling instead of engaging in thought ("ah ha! Yes wokeness I know that one"). As if it's the smart way to respond to "the woke left". (the left is not woke, what the US calls left is really Liberal 2.0, leftists are nowhere as near woke as Liberal 2.0ers are)

But most Liberal 2.0ers including post liberal progressives can describe their positions, what they believe and why, in great detail. Very few of whom were thankfully ever  in the "all whites are racist" - "all heterosexuality is rape" libtard camp.

Conservative media focused there (like Libs of Tik Tok, Fox News, Dailywire-caller etc) and reconstructed radicalism as the term "woke" because it helped energize the most people to their position at the time.

But in Truth, the majority of leftists and progressives (but not the majority of Liberal 2.0ers) like me are rightfully FAR more concerned with workers rights, poverty wages, corporate domination and housing affordability than we are with idpol.

"Woke" is a joke, and can only be reaffirmed as a concept by the most extreme examples. My favorite was that big fake-titty teacher. I love that there was a story about that teacher sky diving and that the teacher became a minor celebrity among conservative media for a bit. Conservativism needs those strange stories of "wokeness" so bad, that it risks creating Instagram level celebrities.

Anyways, laughing at those people is sort of fun. But can't be maintained. Substance like materialism, values (like expressed here) that will actually improve people's lives will eventually be needed. But conservatives fail to produce time and time again. They're happy with their defensive position, and fail to create a better future.

Substance is ultimately lacking when you're just waiting around for the next big tittied teacher or leftwing pedophile to come along. It gets sad and disappointing.

The most startling portion of the US's woke reckoning has been the black power of Black women organizers, idealogue and leaders in griping for maybe the most woke and Marxist ideas ever thought up. BLM, who are led mainly by ERFs (radlib exclusionary Black feminists) and queer feminists, in the eyes of many wokies offers the nation a more expansive vision of 'liberation' than the type promoted by Ice Cube (but I ultimately agree with this Teen Vogue article as it proposes an even better solution than Ice Cube's solution).

BLM’s decentralized leadership has agitated Black activists, organizers and their common person allies to amplify the stories of the most marginalized sectors of the Black community: LGBTQIA+, the mentally and emotionally ill; the non-able-bodied; HIV positive and poor/homeless and and the illegal migrants (who are in need of becoming legal)

A lot of 'anti woke' people use being anti woke as a cover for being racist against poc. Laura Loomer's anti woke crusade is a front for her real agenda of white nationalism. Loomer uses an anti woke narrative  as a dogwhistle for her white nationalism . She even brags about living in the 'whitest town in Florida'. She is a bigot. Same thing goes for anti woke crusader Richard Hanania: https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-clown-pundits-are-defending-a-racist-to-own-the-libs. He too uses anti woke narratives as a dogwhistle for his racism


I support outsiders who band together in their individualistic struggle against society and in pursuance of their own curiosity, pride, and instinct against society. We need more political hegemony of citizens who don’t have a lot of influence or political voice

I support much higher social justice, but the type of higher social justice that realizes the sad fact that the western idea of human rights are rooted in colonialism and white supremacy. Just go be clear, I am not anyone’s ally . I can be your comrade, but I will never claim to be your ally. I’m in this for my own material gains, which just so happen to coalesce with those of 99 percent of Americans. I am Marxian and I am not a Liberal 2.0er.

I support social justice. Right wing alternative facts don’t matter when there is justice to be had

I reject the ideology of collective responsibility. This rejection does not mean I refuse social or class analysis. It means rather that I remove the moral judgment from such an analysis, while I refuse the dangerous practice of blaming individuals for activities that have been done in the name of (or that have been attributed to), a social category of which they are said to be a part, but about which they had no choice — i.e., “Jewish”, “male”, “white”, etc.). 

I am against the subordination of civil society and non-state institutions to the state to enforce “social justice” principles

I recognize that vulnerable people can’t be left to fend for themselves and that shared responsibility for meeting their needs is morally and practically essential.

I am against economic vulnerability . I am concerned for and fight for the economically vulnerable

But I believe as a country we need mutual aide (without taxes, regulations and limited medical care) to combat that.   

We should have a national mission of bringing in its light the welfare of less fortunate peoples that, for whatever reason, have miraculously been left by the history without a national mission which results in having a high sense of patriotic and socioeconomic responsibility for less fortunate peoples peoples. Basically Welfare patriotism

Mutual aide feels more natural and positive than one sided aide and it also removes the poor social stigma of those receiving that aide. 

Moreover, people can and will spend their own money on poverty relief, but they’re likely to do so much more efficiently and intelligently than state officials deploying tax revenues), poverty-producing state regulations, and limitations on choice in areas like medical care.

I focus more on helping the enlightened masses of workers so that they aren’t left to themselves (ie where they aren’t all leaders without a leader movement) to foster a common goal and to help in their determination for a worker revolution than I do on expanding and or improving welfare

I am  Blacknat.png pro-minority

The best way for SJW to counter ‘hate’ is to follow Fred Hampton’s lead

“We don’t think you fight fire with fire best; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism […] We’re going to fight […] with all of us people getting together and having an international proletarian revolution”

Good quote "While I’m in full belief that even SJWs have the capacity for rational and critical thought, the fact that they choose not to employ it, even in the face of brutal facts, earns them the label of NPC? If your entire identity revolves around the superficial, and your entire belief system revolves around instructions from someone else, then you’re about as good as a computer program. If you won’t engage in civil debate, and instead  scream tired phrases at people when you run out of things to say, then there’s no person there, just a shell that somebody else is speaking through"

But here is a more generous post on SJWism I made which shows to SJWs “I come in peace”

It’s not that I am against SJWs or their causes per say, it’s just that I am against the authoritarianism that the SJWs are willing to wield to impose their rules onto others

I do support some social justice champions and their SJWs causes: like MLK Jr and Rosa Parks and their SJW cause and suffragettes of the early 20th century and their SJW cause. That is good SJWism

As much as I tend to critique SJWs , I will never go further and whine about SJWs either. This is because I know that most people who whine about SJWs pretty much just delve into racism, sexism, and homophobia under the guise of "free speech."

When I say 'SJW in these blogs,' I do not mean feminists (since I am a feminist) or racial justice activists and I do not mean real anti fascists 

I echo everything in this article on totalitarian SJW ‘fine upstanding individuals’, here is a snip : 

“Unfortunately, Mr. Rosa’s other examples of “social justice” in action—the feminist revival, the new visibility of transgender issues and opposition to “Islamophobia”—are squarely in train-wreck territory. Not that there’s anything wrong with the principles: Most Americans support gender equality, believe transgender people should be able to live as they wish and reject anti-Muslim hate. But social justice warriors have turned these causes into malignant self-parody. Their feminism frets over men sitting with their legs apart on public transit, seeks dissent-free “safe spaces” and cries oppression at concern about obesity’s health risks. Their transgender advocacy demands respect for customized gender identities with personal pronouns that may change on a whim and crucifies a devoutly progressive filmmaker for a “transphobic” joke that presumes that female characters are anatomically female. Their anti-Islamophobia trashes feminist critics of conservative Islamism and victim-blames journalists murdered for publishing Mohammed cartoons.”  These SJWs fools waste their pathetic energy on things like above that don’t matter and that over 90 percent of the Western world disagrees with them on


Here is a good read about the Double horseshoe theory of class politics 

I am a Marxist who considers “leftism” as the ideology of bourgeois supremacy. Leftism is the modern equivalent of the Classical liberalism that Karl Marx spent his later years attempting to demolish. 

I critique the Left wing not because the Left wing are worse than the Right wing but because the Left wing are better than the Right wing at precluding proletarian class consciousness.” 

Although I profess my commitment to traditionally Left-wing goals including anti-capitalism, I am mostly defined by my zealous hostility to both the Democratic Party and the radical Leftoids — including the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) and the academic-literary Left wing of media such as Jacobin, n+1 and Dissent.

My core dissertation is that the actual ruling class in the US is the progressive oligarchy that is represented in the political sphere by the Democratic Party. I believe that the Democrats are the party of Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the Ivy League, the MSM, the upper levels of the national security state and federal bureaucracy, and generally of very educated professionals 

I view the the Republicans, though as loathsome, as they are very much a distraction — a tenuous alliance between a minority faction of the ruling class and petit bourgeois.

I believe that the GOP who are for all intents and purposes incapable of governing outside the limits set up by the Democrats and Democrat-aligned media, corporations, NGOs and government bureaucracies, serve their actual function as a type of ideological bogeyman. 

Speaking of Republicans, I have a unique post relating my transcendent ideas to Marxism, Libs of Tik Tok, Mary Ann Franks which I do in a materialistic way

Aimee Terese on occasion makes good points, but shes too much filled with the very moral posturing that you observe exploding from the likes of NJR to actually accomplish outstanding things.

This Tweet by Aimee Terese: can be translated as this "the death of George Floyd made a bunch of people I don’t like post things I don’t like on the internet and that made me mad”  (I don't echo this Tweet by Aimee) 

(Aimee's reply I am echoing)

Malcolm Kyeuyune is spot on with that. Our society rests upon complicated infrastructure only a small amount understand and a lot assume will be “always-on”, even in a disaster situation. Read Facebook’s engineering blog for the ways that they dealt with the October 5 outage for a glimpse of this. They don’t state it, but at the end of the day, they wound up applying angle grinders to defeat their own physical security measures in order to get into their own equipment rack to get it back online.

Everything is falsely labeled as 'white supremacy' these days, and everything is falsely labeled as racist to some deluded wokies, I will compile a list of views and if having any of them is considered 'racist' or 'white supremacist' then I don't care if I am labeled a 'white supremacist' or 'racist' for having those views (because a that point those words literally lose their meaning)

White Supremacy and Democracy the way it has been used by ultras and woke people in the last 5 years are empty words that have no meaning. We constantly hear the libs wokescold us about 'white supremacy=bad, white supremacy=bad omg' yet they never explain what this so called 'white supremacy' is. Same thing when they go on about so called 'Democracy'.  So it isn't wokeness per say that is an empty word but it is more so White Supremacy and Democracy (the way they are used recently) that are such    

One example is this evil extremist woke tweet by PETA years back. For starters that tweet by PETA is a bold face lie and disinformation. Milk has NOTHING to do with so called 'white supremacy' and furthermore milk has never had anything to do with so called 'white supremacy' in any way shape or form. Peta never explains what white supremacy is because they are lying and they know it. 

They are desperate to stop people from drinking milk from cows so they made up a lie about milk being tied to 'white supremacy'. As if PETA's stupid dumb evil lying tweet about 'white supremacy' being tied to milk wasn't woke enough, these freaks topped it off with fucking pride colors in their twitter photo. I mean seeing that tweet by PETA plus said pride colors makes me wish the US lose World War II

Objective facts are objective and NON bigoted, they are also CORRECT.  Saying that objective facts are 'white supremacy is DISINFORMATION and must be combated

I agree with some parts of this article but I also think there might be also be a similar concept called Woke fragility 

This wired article reflects my contempt with corporations pandering to blacks in 2020 etc to enrich themselves 

The ADL wrongly considers 17% of the numbers between 0-100 as hate symbols

9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 28, 33, 38, 43, 52, 83, 88, 90

Using these numbers can get you put on their 'Incidents of Hate' list which they forward to law enforcement weekly. We cannot allow the ADL to do this, the only number in that list that is a hate symbol is 88, every other number should be delisted as a hate symbol.  

The ADL has gone overboard above, sorry all those numbers except for 88 are NOT hate symbols. The ADL keeps making up these numbers as hate symbols in order to have an excuse to censor speech and go after their political enemies. The ADL is a very liberal organization that is as partisan as it can get and it is anti left in particular.  I will use every number above except for 88 in my future usernames, on my shirts etc just to say FUCK YOU ADL

The ADL themselves should be on the 'incidents of hate' for listing all the numbers except for 88 on their stupid fake 'hate symbol' list, some people rightfully say that the ADL is a hate group and I can see why

Both Cenk and Ana reflect my views on our political landscape here

In particular this : "fair number two uh I understand where they're going with the double standard they say look you know you're telling me Donald Trump broke all these laws but then you've got all these other politicians who are corrupt and nobody ever says anything about them and they're not wrong about that mainstream media if you're an outsider or you don't belong in the establishment with your Trump Bernie et cetera they'll find a thousand things wrong with you and then the most corrupt people on Earth are your mainstream Republicans and Democrats and make sure media can't find anything wrong with them just can't find it right like give me Jack Smith as a prosecutor I'll get you incredible um things that Mitch McConnell's done wrong Nancy Pelosi has done wrong so"

"it's so jarring to remember the anti-Vietnam war and anti-Iraq protests in which I joined many tens of thousands. The Liberal 2.0/Lib embrace of the state apparatus and vicious war mongering (cluster bombs, yay!) has done the seemingly impossible and transmuted me into being what I am today. Truly clown world.
"It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." CS Lewis

"Corporate media has increasingly created closed information systems around every major issue: Russiagate, Big Pharma, Ukraine, etc. Dissent from their orthodoxies is branded "disinformation," then censored.

That's why a free internet is so vital, and why it's their main target.

I am Anti Nick Fuentes but if the S.Crowder Club is truly a 'replatforming space' then they should allow Nick Fuentes to be on that 'replatforming space' because otherwise they are not truly a 'replatforming space'.  Besides those right wingas deserve each other

I sort of agree Faux News troll Jesse Watters on his views on Jason Aldean's music video 'Try this in a small town' getting cancelled by PARAMOUNT (CMT had no part in the decision, PARAMOUNT runs CMT, CMT is the country brand of PARAMOUNT). But I agree more with Pat Boone on that cancellation along with the widow of Officer 

At the very least, Watters had a broken clock moment about the hypocrisy of cancelling Jason Aldean's 'anti crime' (ymmv) video and the Liberal 2.0 political media machine's giving a free pass to Hip hop videos which glorify violence, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, misogyny, self hatred, etc (I am fine with hip hop glorifying drugs because according to this GQ article titled "How Dr. Dre and Hip Hop Helped End the Crack Era"

Hip hop glorifying drugs may go too far at times, but glorifying drugs in Hip Hop Helped it can end drug epidemics and curve drug use. Now if you say 'well why can't that be true about Hip hop glorifying violence, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, misogyny, self hatred?", well I am willing to agree to that second point ALSO on the conditioon it also be extended to Jason Aldean's music video 'Try that in a small town'. So even if his video is anti BLM and pro tough on crime, like with Hip hop dettering crack use with their drug glorifying songs in the 1980s and 1990s, maybe just maybe by Aldean making such a video and it getting a lot of airtime it can deter hostility against the non corporate BLM and deter tough on crime acts by vigilantis and corrupt cops by showing people how horrible being tough on crime very well might be

Politics is downstream from culture, and the Left (and or Liberal 2.0ers) is very good at "winning the culture." 

But I don't believe that this is actually how these things work. My viewpoint is that economics are at the core and that politics, culture, etc. are all downstream from that. 

The not so long history is that capital demolished the socialist movement and the trade unions in the 1970s and in the 1980s. If there isn’t anymore reason to divide the working class like pitting various groups within the working class against each other -- since the working class has lost, then the ruling class can and will grant the political demands of those who are oppressed (becoming previously-oppressed) social formations: BIPOC, women, LGBTQs, etc.

Because why would they not? There is no objective reason, in so much as the market economy is concerned, why should it not do this. Now, I want to make it clear that these political demands were/are legit in their own ways. 

However that is the causal, materialist explanation for the question for why economic liberalization creates social liberalization. But I believe also that this creates "right-wing populism" and what I am describing here as a kind of psychosis:

I second the analysis that the conservative psychosis is born of the fact that, in spite of their electoral wins, the broader culture never leans in their direction.

So, they are stuck in ideology, really. Think back before that, the economic liberalization of the last half of the 20th century, capitalist regimes divided the working class along a lot of different lines, granting political and social benefits to specific groups within that class: white men of a normal Christian background basically. 

Industrial shop floors were segregated with African American employees that were given lower paying jobs. LGBTQ people couldn’t be out at work, and if they were out they could not climb the corporate ladder. Women were also segregated into jobs that didn’t pay as much as unionized factory jobs for men, even though obviously women worked in these places too.

The previously-dominant groups currently declining, at least in relatively, as capitalism restructures itself. 

This creates an opening for right-wing populists to divert anger from this and place it on the signifers of these changes: the many social groups that provoke the right-wing populists‘ resentment.

However this does not actually do anything whatsoever to reverse the changes since it is just focused on attacking the signifiers, as the right wingers have no class or material analysis. 

Well if anything, the reaction further binds these groups who are targeted to the ruling hegemony due to the fact that the hegemony offers to protect them from the right-wing nationalist and/or populist backlash.

On conceding to the right

It's mind blowing how Liberal 2.0ers and even some fellow Leftists don't realize that by them being so fearful of even talking about or being associated with some, basically neutral issue, like a meme, subculture, scene or social space online that the right wing has even so much as slightly tried to associate itself with, that they are literally ceding ground and surrendering said issue to the right. 

The right wing hardly has to do any effort to take over something that it seems, just make the vaguest gesture that said issue is their turf and culture war obsessed Liberal 2.0ers immediately hand it over to them because they are obsessed with appearing ‘pure’ and free of anything even vaguely "problematic".

The entire premise of our liberal 2.0 capitalist society is that issues get passed onto the discourse, our collective enlightenment class project where an individual person is able to take a stand and speak truth to power. 

So in places where there are injustices in the world, the discourse, our speech, and self-known moral values could step in to fill in the gap. Its all premised on the notion that there is no true opposing class interest or need for material, structural changes to our society’s pillars i.e. production, that may requisite more than only moral invocation. 

Liberal Capitalism: End of history. The system is as good as it is going to get, we only need brave people to morally scold the right people into behaving the right way - which is born out of “critically examining their ‘white privilege’ and boosting the views of people of color” or “don’t allow violence in the hip hop culture anymore” depending on where on the liberal 2.0 spectrum that you happen to fall on, and what’s trending in the spectacle this week. Whatever radical rhetoric borrowed from the academic world these moral invocations consist of, whatever latent ethno-nationalist ways of thinking (“our spaces”) some readers may balk at, these calls still are feeble, liberal 2.0 and are created to maintain the status quo.

Honestly I think the real reason is because the socially liberal 2.0s won the culture war so anything against the current thing is going to be right-wing. Anti-capeshit, Disney, MSM? Probably right-wing. Conservative is the new counter-culture. But as pointed out elsewhere in my blogs, similar points have been raised on this since the 1980s and it never actually manifests. Conservatives are too fundamentally conformist, cautious and risk-averse to form a counter-culture.

Capitalism has been turned into Rainbow Capitalism and is the perfect tool for the Liberal 2.0ers to create our current negative climate of overkill identity politics, toxic wokeness,etc as can be seen here , here , here and here

Rainbow Capitalism’s excuse is for being woke is that they use stakeholder model for their Capitalism, meaning they have to please their wokesters stakeholders like they use to and still have to please their shareholders

The goals of the liberal 2.0 ("Diversity and inclusion!" which ends up being about diversity of ethnicity-race, gender, and all else you can imagine, but unanimity of thought and speech) seem oddly close to the goals of corporate capitalism, which have yet again successfully co-opted identitarian language and turned it to the goal of selling commodities to the new woke markets.

Right-wingers notice and identify a problem and wrongly diagnose that problem as being all the fault of "the left" and "cultural Marxism" etc. They would rather falsely believe that multitrillion-dollar megacorps are secretly ran by commies than ever admit the truth that maybe Capitalism isn't as based or redpilled as they thought. Hey rightoids, its CAPITALISM, not the “left”, Communism or “Cultural Marxism” that is the problem

Because everything is discussed in a framework that's designed to fry your mind. Basically, capitalism pulled a number on us by rebranding right-wing positions as psuedo left-wing (Liberal 2.0), and the Left (or at least Liberal 2.0) was middle-class and academic enough to play along with this. 

Now it's nearly  impossible for people to even begin to understand what a Marxist position on something might be, since there is a complete set of neoliberals who call themselves Marxist. Even on Marxist subreddits you get lots of people who are fully confused about what the historical positions of orthodox Marxism are.

Democrats and Joe Biden are NOT Socialist, not even close. See this for more

Capitalism itself is state interference. I demand structural economic changes while I also recognize that oppression on the basis of identity is intertwined with capitalist power structures. I realize that rainbow capitalism can never make good on its promises of liberation hence why I refuse to let us settle for rainbow Capitalism.

Modern Capitalism is race reductionist while Left Wing socioeconomic ideologies (especially Libertarian Socialism) are economically egalitarian and balances classes and identities the best way  ,as this article explains and expands on.

Whites profit off of poverty, tension and unemployment which is why they love the above variants of Capitalism instead of switching to a Left Wing economic system that can abolish income inequality, poverty and unemployment

Capitalism is degeneracy . My other major issues with Capitalism are that with Capitalism, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Capitalism has caused horrors like the Great Depression and the fiscal ills that caused mass uprisings in the late 19th century to early mid 20th century. Capitalism is the cause of many of our society's ills.  Capitalism is also bad because it is materialistic. 

Capitalism a lot of the time destroys or hampers countries and the structures within them. We must subvert consumerism, materialism and commercialism

If Capitalism leads to something worse than Capitalism, I am open to trying to reform it (I am a Social Democrat after all) but through solidarity and Interculturalism (to fix the classist and similar issues that Capitalism has). 

Capitalism is also bad because the super rich (1%ers) and their crony allies dominate the markets and that is wrong and must be stopped. We need all the bipartisan and strange bedfellow help we can get to defeat Capitalism

Capitalism is too materialistic. Capitalism is bad because it causes the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer.

Capitalism through its sometimes harsh policies and at time inhumane are responsible for social fascism .

We need to emphasize equality by implementing the socioeconomic policies on schooling, education and medical housing and salaries (i.e with little disparities) that I write in this blog . 

I support education, employment, and housing policies (like more affordable section 8 housing) along with a socio politically motivated balancing of income growth distribution. Thus I support a more poor friendly and compassionate Section 8 housing system

Education is important to create a productive society

This student leader’s views on education are eerily similar to my views on education

The economic forces that had hollowed out the industrial base of places like in the rust belt have wrought problems like domestic violence and opioid abuse. This is in part due to faceless companies 

I make a connection between wage slavery and theft by taxation here .


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