More left wing tribe stuff

 Anarchy newspaper (and other GA endeavors) not too long ago made an effort to integrate what could be called an "anarcha-feminist" or anti-patriarchy critique into the overarching anti-civilization perspective. 

This is a good because even giving lip service to patriarchy as a evil pillar of civilization actually goes a long way to opening up the anti-civ perspective 

This makes it feel more inclusive of the experiences and perceptions of women who are living in and resisting the patriarchal control

This integration is an real attempt to address what some feminists (anarchist feminists etc) have defined as a "male dominated" and an "irrelevant to women" green anarchist movement, in a way that does not compromise an anti-civ analysis. 

If we take this to another level, an anti-patriarchy critique is as relevant to men as to women (and relevant to all persons who identify as in between, like a lot of people have done throughout pre-history). 

I touch on this below in my Men’s Liberation part but Anti-patriarchy is not a woman’s issue. Women are not the only ones who suffer under the heavy hand of enforced sex roles, division of labor, emasculation of violence, etc. 

Conversely, the devaluation of the feminine archetype could be seen as a parallel to the mind/body split that have enabled so much of humanity to take a drastic turn in evolution toward domestication and civilization. This "totality" affects women and men in different ways. 

However they could not be compared in terms of quantity. 

Liberal feminism seeks to empower itself at the expense of men which is relate-able to me,  but has drawn criticism from some postfeminists (and I touch on this elsewhere). So nuance is always a good gauge (also see this post)

Feminism has to go beyond things like coercing men into deferring to women at all times, as reparations for thousands of years of patriarchal rule 


+ AnPrim Modernized humanistic Tribalism + De Francism that is frenemies with National Capitalist/Peronist Inclusive Corporatist economics that use a woke racialized class model) 



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