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Pan Secessionism, is economically left-wing (but it is opposed to both  Leninism 4.0/Neo Marxism and  Capitalism),  Anarchist and culturally left wing rightist ideology.

This theory supports autonomous communes that are run by a  Mutualist ( Socialism within a  market economy) economic apparatus. Some types of Pan Secessionism support Classical and File:Darkmut.pngDark Mutualism ideology sociological epistemology views. Some types of Pan Secessionism supports these autonomous communes ideally having elements of National Libertarian/a Fourth Political Theory based on Post Colonial Anarchism ideas (which equates to Left National Libertarianism also known as  Synthesis Anarcho-Nationalism), with the addition of a  Meritocratic social set up. However, this ideology also states that such beliefs have to be decided on by the community itself.

Pan Secessionism is against the internationalist components of  Marxism, (yet Pan Secessionism supports Anarcho Marxism, AustroMarxism,Nationalistic Marxianism and perennialism) but it loathes   Capitalism even more than it loathes the internationalist components of Marxism.

For Pan Secessionists,  Ecological Unilateralist protectionism and Environmentalism are very vital to their movement, but for some factions of Pan Secessionists, this is in part due it preserving traditional land. Pan Secessionism can be followed by various persons of differing cultures 

There would be spaces for diverse racial-ethnic groups  (like the Critical Race Theory and Robin Diangelo promotes) where they will have freedom to develop without interference from whites in autonomous communes. So these autonomous communes found within Pan Secessionism would be politically horizontal, post-capitalist, eco sustainable, and socioculturally Tried and True

This ideology supports Transracialism , Archeofuturism Post IndustrialismRight Voluntaryism,, JKK Tolkien thought Kant-influenced LibertarianismLeft Wing Anarcho Capitalism/Lftnwng Fourist Anarchism



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