Left Wing Rightism

Left Wing Rightism is a Left Wing version of Right Wing ideology and its Polcompball category would include ideologies which are adjacent to/in the vortex of the Left Wing versions of Right Wing ideologies below:


Fourth Political Theory type of Hyper-Trans Modernity   

 Cultural Unity// Cultural balance

 Progressive Traditionalism,:  Culturally Progressive Traditionalist (not far off from Trad Progressive ideology)

  Cursed Authright-Libleft Unity

 Anti-leftist Leftism (Post Left Anarchism variant)

 Progressive Conservative Socialism [edit | edit source]

Progressive Conservative Socialism is the  progressive conservative version of  socialism. It is culturally moderate and supports the idea that both  progressivism and  conservatism and elements in them that are needed for society to prosper. This cultural model can be seen with  21st Century Socialism.

,  progressive nationalists,  civic nationalists (or even  Left Wing Paleo Bull Moose Progressive or  Liberal National Communism ( Socialism with a Human Face)

 Bernie Sanders on steroids / File:Enlightmon.pngEnlightened Absolutism

Non Neoliberal colorblindness 

  religious (once again, there are a few exceptions of ideologies on a more left scale. Some religious ideologies and monarchists are more culturally left than Left Wing Alt Lite).)

A majority of them are located within the  Authoritarian Center to Center Left,  AuthUnity and the  LibNeoSocialLibertarian quadrant of the political compass with some exceptions in the  AuthHardLeft (File:Neobol.pngNeo-Bolshevism (i.e Far Left National Bolshevism),  IWW Tripartisan Right Syndicalism

 Fourth Political Theory (Left Wing nRx)-Social Distrbutism

Anarcho Auth Left (Authcenter converted to the Libleft platform-PCM)

National Labourism/

and even  LibUltraLeft , Anarcho Value Pluralism,(including Neo Proudhonism)

Anarcho Monarchism



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