
Showing posts from November, 2023

id new left grouping

Collective Individualist (including Left Wing Nationalism  but the Left Wing in this Left Wing Nationalism is very much downplayed in place of  Left Wing Conservative   Right   Social   Democ ra cy  along with    Progressive Conservative Socialism with the Nationalism part of Left Wing Nationalism  by Radical Democracy , in particular Bioregional   Libertarian Municipalism ,   Radical Republicanism  Literally Post-Marxism *Self id (non authoritarian) i.e supportive of Individual liberty and it unifying the social, individualist, and market schools of Kantian Anar chist thought German Left Wing Conservatism Rage Against War Libertarian Left Party coalition   Factions of the grassroots left  Pro Palestine   SJWism Young Progressive Left (moral dogma glitched) Alternative Modernist  Collectivist  Liberalism Left Zionist S cepticism   Collapse   Anti-Imperialism Anti Theocratic TransNational Imperialism Aktion   Arab Socialism   Ba'athism   Democratic Socialism   /  Democratic Soci

More left wing tribe stuff

 Anarchy newspaper (and other GA endeavors) not too long ago made an effort to integrate what could be called an "anarcha-feminist" or anti-patriarchy critique into the overarching anti-civilization perspective.  This is a good because even giving lip service to patriarchy as a evil pillar of civilization actually goes a long way to opening up the anti-civ perspective  This makes it feel more inclusive of the experiences and perceptions of women who are living in and resisting the patriarchal control This integration is an real attempt to address what some feminists (anarchist feminists etc) have defined as a "male dominated" and an "irrelevant to women" green anarchist movement, in a way that does not compromise an anti-civ analysis.  If we take this to another level, an anti-patriarchy critique is as relevant to men as to women (and relevant to all persons who identify as in between, like a lot of people have done throughout pre-history).  I touch on thi

Alt radfem dissent kins

 Gender expression as a socially constructed concept, or a product of an individual’s upbringing (nurture), is a concept going through a shift toward a more nuanced understanding of where and how the intersection of gender and biology happens.  Gender critical Radfems and TERFs are sadly developing a stubborn outlook of immutable physical sexual dimorphism, something that is shared by other Gender critical Radfems and TERFs, taken together with a view of gender expression as at least in part, based in bio-psychological urges.   The most driving reasons for all women’s liberation movements are the clear and present threats of physical and sexual violence by men and the lack of power or opportunity for women to support themselves especially if their kinships fail in their mutual duties or dies   After these problems were somewhat fixed in the Western World, there was a shift from an authentic women’s liberation movement into the mid/late 20th century liberal bourgeois feminist theory. Th

Nationalism for anti left theory

This political theory is similar to  Post Zionism  but applied to secular nationalisms in countries like the US and the UK  In particular a type of ideology that is a refutation of Nationalist ideology, similar to dispoara Nationalism mentioned in the below bolded quoted text: " Jewish people have wandered for thousands of years without nation or power ,until the creation of Israel (and even after it, though much less so than before) and are thus a refutation of Zionist and Nationalist idealogy (or even the concept of a country to being with) since their cohesion through their wanderings eliminate the whole nation-power concept from politics.  They should be admired for keeping their identity and culture together through those thousands of years of wanderings.  So Jewish dispora should be a model for a post nation world where nations are fluid and nomadic, more like the Jewish dispora Jews (mobile and fluid) and less like Israel Jews (Zionist/Nationalist) and static nation residen

Leftliovers to oppose after 4pt

What other left wing ideologies this political theory opposes: We face a common opponent today—in actuality numerous opponents. This common opponent which is the type of leftism I am against contains toxic ideologies, including its embrace of an immoral internationalist consumer ethic, and the pro Hamas leftists protesting in solidarity for Hamas and their Palestinian praxis at colleges, in cities globally who seek to abolish Israel due to *Israel's success at being an acceptable progressive liberal example of all of the non woke ideologies they oppose.   *as in acceptable to the EU, most of the US Democratic Party ,Neocons, Neoliberals, MSM i.e all the right people who would normally attack such an ideology if it was employed by the US Republican Party or Libertarian Party This common opponent together variously chip away at the different components of our democracy and anti civ type of civilization .  These are non-state ideologues that are of the most repugnant type, way more c

Daesin heigger left wing 4pt

Surreal epiphany Heideggerianism Heidegger’s analytic of Dasein has been drawn on explicitly as a positive theoretical resource by thinkers in the leftist tradition. Some postwar leftists argued that Heidegger’s analysis of authenticity and inauthenticity could supplant the usual economic emphases of Marxist analysis, to critique the inauthenticity of the late-capitalist world. Marcuse before them had experimented with the possibilities of combining Heidegger’s analysis of situated Dasein with Marxist concerns (Pawling, 2010: 593). Developing the notion of Dasein’s being-thrown (as always already there) and projecting possibilities upon the world-structure, he argued that the proletarian revolution amounted to “an act of self-creation,” not mere self-awareness (Pawling, 2010: 593). The task of interpreting Marxist concerns with themes from Heideggerian analysis is ongoing even now (Wainwright, 2015: 160-176).  Some on the left refused to make use of Heidegger or of ontological talk of



Left braizo left

  SJW/   Bai z uo  T ank ies   Non Heidegger and Non Dasein ontological post war Left Heidegger’s Dasein and Leftist Political Theory

Breadtube left views

I am a  Bread tube  type of  Lef t ist Like fellow BreadTubers I align with collectivist modes of governance, which includes sociofinance  equity  and solidarity, while I oppose liberalism, the alt-right, and the fringe right . Despite me endorsing collectivism, I infight with myself about it commonly I am trying to get the Democrats to move left by embracing Breadtube . See  here  and  here  (What's Wrong with Capitalism by Contrapoints),  here  (K Marx part 2 Capitalism's consequences by PhilosphyTube),  here  (Work (or, the 5 jobs I had before YouTube)  Philosophy Tube),  here  (Human Nature and Socialism by ThoughtSlime),  here  (Explaining stuff about Socialism that confuses you (WATCH THIS, L I B E R A L) - Socialism 101) ,  here  (SOCIALISM: An In-Depth Explanation) So yes I want the Democrat party to embrace  Breadtube  ideology to move them leftward. Breadtube is a popular social media collective I am trying to get the Democrats to create a Breadtube caucus within the