Leftliovers to oppose after 4pt

What other left wing ideologies this political theory opposes:

We face a common opponent today—in actuality numerous opponents. This common opponent which is the type of leftism I am against contains toxic ideologies, including its embrace of an immoral internationalist consumer ethic, and the pro Hamas leftists protesting in solidarity for Hamas and their Palestinian praxis at colleges, in cities globally who seek to abolish Israel due to *Israel's success at being an acceptable progressive liberal example of all of the non woke ideologies they oppose.  

*as in acceptable to the EU, most of the US Democratic Party ,Neocons, Neoliberals, MSM i.e all the right people who would normally attack such an ideology if it was employed by the US Republican Party or Libertarian Party

This common opponent together variously chip away at the different components of our democracy and anti civ type of civilization . 

These are non-state ideologues that are of the most repugnant type, way more challenging to resist than with a tyrannical state, and are not present in the exact method to the strategies and playbook of IV Gen Warcraft 

We should be troubled that failing to come together to take on these potential menaces might just mean we all fight together apart. It is on this topic, that the seriousness of the supportive musings of this theory as in these views on Nationalism rests.

Using a tribalistic esque  NrX type—and or new (post second) Political Theory—identity is not incompatible with coming together to fight against common opponent. Creating co-op pacts is one of the timeless of human plan of action for being victorious in conflicts, and an unfettered, decentralized pact among new new left, identitarian lefty groups is not only achievable, but much more sturdy than creating a solitary close knit type of organization. We tell there is a noticeable power in application simply within the previous couple of years.

Whether you give a darn about video games or whether you are a video game player, there is an interesting group study.  

Years back , detached bloc of gamers chose to challenge Academia, the legacy media and a important part of the video game development complex at the same moment. They battled their self created culture war, created such a toxic, divisive, anti woke campaign which caused a lot cool women a lot of hurt and pain, 

Now while luckily they didn't achieve their bigoted goals they paved the way for the 45 digital activism like trolling and pre party switch Democratic like guilt methods using cringe zealotry that would come just a few years afterward. 

They did all of this leaderless, with unstructured structuring, or official pacts. So these edgelord chuds fought a fourth Gen conflict against the business version of a state actor. And their antics caused the rise of MAGA and the Alt right

While I loathe gamergaters like Wikipedia admin Kevin G did, we can use their methods in a left wing way to fight against our ideological opponents on the left, and these opponents in particular

The fringe Communism that is part of the Fourth Political Theory after its associated Fourth Political Theory defeat Liberalism 2.0

 Fourth Theory is a  reactionary authoritarian and economically left (but tolerant of other forms of economic illiberalism) ideology that seeks to go beyond the 3 modern political theories,  Liberalism Communism and  Fascism. Fourth Theory deems that  Liberalism and its associated  post-modernism have successfully defeated their 2 major political opponents ( Marxism–Leninism and  Fascism) and are currently destroying politics as a whole. So, therefore, it is necessary to combat liberalism with a fourth political theory, inspired by fringe ideas from communist and fascist movements, but rejecting the orthodoxy of both of them. Fourth Theory rejects the ideas that


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